Chapter 6 - Pretty, Pretty

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I woke with a start, my body trembled and I was covered in sweat and tears. I had been having a nightmare about my past. I take in a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down, before looking to the clock on my bedside table to check the time. 6:30 am. God it's early, but that's ok I have to be up early today, so I can help Addison and Katherine prepare for the barbecue. What was I thinking when I suggested the barbecue?

I sigh and slip out from under my warm blankets. My eyes wander to my photo covered wall and they come to a rest on an old photo of me, my brother, my sister and my best friend who was basically like a sister. I take it down off the wall, so I can look at it better. I reminisce in the some of the good memories I have with them. I miss them so much, I haven't spoken to any of them for three going on four years.

I sigh, maybe I should check up on them it's been awhile. I grab my laptop and make my way downstairs. "Morning Addison." I greet as I reach the kitchen, where addison sits at the bench. I set my laptop down and take a seat at the bench as well.

"Morning." She yawns. I log into Facebook using my fake account and begin to 'stalk' my brother first. He seems to be doing well, there are plenty of pictures of him with his mates, some new ones and a some that I know or use to know. I keep scrolling though his news feed until a status catches my eye.

Got offered to dance the lead in Swan Lake in New York!!! Super excited 😃My first real dance and it'll be in front of some of the most well known dancers of all time!!! 😝😝😝

I can't help but smile, I'm so happy for my brother. It's a big deal that he got offered such a position, although it's not surprising he's an incredible dancer and very well known because of our parents.

"What's got you smiling so early in the morning." Katherine's voice startles me.

"Nothing!" I say slamming my computer shut.

"Well that was convincing." Addison laughs, and Katherine joins in.

My cheeks heat up slightly. "Come on what were you looking at? It can't be that bad, can it?" Katherine persists.

I scowl. "That is none of your business." I say getting up from my seat, grabbing my computer and going into the lounge room.

"You left this behind." Katherine says softly sitting down beside me on the couch. I look across to see what Katherine was talking about, to find her holding the picture of me and my two siblings and best friend. I mustn't of put it back.

I take it from her slowly and hold it myself as I stare at it. No ones seen a photo of me and my family. I take a deep breath and slowly release it. "It was taken the day before everything went to shit." I mutter, catching Katherine by surprise. "A month and a bit before I ended up here... That's me, that's my brother, he's a year younger then me, and that's my baby sister, she's four in this photo... And that is... Was my best friend, we were inseparable." I point to each of us in the photo as I tell who they are.

"You look so happy there." Katherine whispers.

"I was, those three people meant the world to me." I mumble.

"... What happened?" She asks cautiously.

I sigh. "It's complicated." I stuff the photo into my pocket and get up from the couch, leaving the room to find something to keep the memories from overwhelming my mind.


It's about 11am when the door bell rings announcing our first guest. I answer the door to find Nikola, holding a little girl in her arms and tall man with blonde hair and brown eyes stands next to her. I smile politely and invite them in.

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