If You're Gonna Be Sarcastic

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Takes place during the events of a revised Fire Emblem Three Houses. No route - specified.

Synopsis:He's right, you know.

"You know, if you're gonna be sarcastic, you should really warn people so there's no confusion."

Erik "Templar" Anderson and Raphael then looked at the house leader of the Golden Deer in confusion," What?"

"For instance, like,"Claude then began to think before snapping his fingers," I'm about to be sarcastic, okay?"

Raphael just nods," Okay."

"You're not fat at all. There, see?"Claude spread his arms, unaware that he drew the ire of his fellow classmate.

"Why is everyone so obsessed with my physical appearance?!"He boomed and before Erik could reply, Claude already beat him to it.

"Sarcasm. And I have been noticing that you're eating way more peach sorbets than a normal person should and I'm not worried that you're gonna die,"Claude said sarcastically before adding this sincerely," Although I am worried that you're gonna die."

"Thanks."Raphael nodded.

Sorry if it's short.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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