Shyness Scale

267 5 2

How shy will they be to these actions? (Keian for now)


20%: Seeing Kei sword-fighting. (Kei is usually silent and unobtrusive, following behind Rhian everywhere he went. But during combat lessons, Kei would show his brutality: all his mildness and obedience are reserved for Rhian only. After several rounds, Kei would take the win and glance in Rhian's direction. In those moments, Rhian's heart would speed up a little. p.s: It's extremely difficult to make Rhian fall for someone. Good job Kei XD)

40%: Coming across Kei without his shirt. [Scenario: Rhian walks in on Kei changing in the locker room, he stands still for a moment before Kei notices him and gives him a look that says "what's wrong?" (lol he doesn't realize he's hot) and Rhian would catch himself ogling and frown: "nothing" and Kei would be even more confused but says nothing since Rhian says everything's fine]

60%: When Kei says: "I'll be at your side." (Rhian could manipulate anyone to be on his side, but he knows that Kei is the only one willingly doing so.) (damn I'm going to write into the details of this one sometime later)

80%: Kissing [Scenario: They're probably having a fight about some big thing and got to this point where both of them fell silent. Suddenly Kei gets down on one knee and took Rhian's hand. Rhian frowned since he was still angry, but didn't slap Kei's hand away. Kei took Rhian's hand to his lips and planted a chaste kiss on Rhian's knuckles. Kei got up and gave Rhian a long, deep look. He then said "goodnight" and walked away. Just like that, the burning anger in Rhian converted to another intense emotion.] 

100%: Doing the you-know-what (I'd love to see him cry😏)


20%: Simply looking at Rhian (Kei would probably marvel at how gorgeous Rhian is every time he sets his eyes on him)

40%: Rhian smiling at him, fake for not (awwww, our innocent boi)

60%: When Rhian touches him by accident (when passing an object, for example. Their hands would touch lightly, but Kei would think about the touch for a LONG time. He probably kisses the place Rhian had touched when no one's noticing)

80%: [The same scene in Rhian's 40%: Rhian walked in the locker room and also started changing casually beside Kei. Kei saw Rhian out of the corner of his eye and quickly averted his gaze. The rustling of clothes successfully concealed the thumping of Kei's heart. Kei quickly changes and after stuttering "I, I'll wait for you outside" he dodges out of the locker room slamming the door, Inside the room where he can't see, Rhian smirks.]

100%: Doing the you-know-what (Though he's the top, he's likely to be even more bashful than the bottom. The next morning when he wakes up and finds Rhian sleeping peacefully next to him and remembering last night's affair, he would bury his face into the sheets and would burn bright pink. Rhian: Excuse me but I am the one enduring)

Notes:  I got stuck writing Mermaids Wish so in place I wrote this happy little one-shot thingy ^^ I wrote Jaric too but it wasn't good enough. There'll definitely be a Jaric version! I'm just not sure when I'll have it done. Thank you so much for reading!!! I'll try to finish Mermaid's WIsh as soon as possible^^

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