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It was a normal day for the Cross Highschool.Cross Highschool was the most famous school in Korea.The school is a little bit special, since the position of the school council president could be far more powerful than the teacher themself.
The position was given to the one and only.. Alberu Crossman.He was a charming guy and gives off a ruler aura.If you make a wrong step,he could kick you out of the school.
That's what is special about the Cross Highschool.


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The sound of students chatting and students passing by the class.
People who were chatting in the hallway stopped when a black hair figure passed by.He was wearing a council uniform.He kept walking even tho many eyes are eyeing him.He stopped when he is at a certain classroom.

Someone's pov
I was about to leave,when I opened the door,a black hair figure could be seen.He was wearing a council uniform.I looked up and it was...I couldn't complete my thoughts when he suddenly spoke.

-Is..Rok Soo here?

Someone's thoughts
The black hair was looking for Rok Soo?What trouble did he got into this time?

-Ah,Rok Soo is over there...

Choi Hans Pov
The person infront of me showed where Rok Soo-nim was sitting.My eyes landed on a certain seat beside the window.A black hair figure could be seen sitting there while looking at the window.Rok Soo-nim who heard his name being called turned toward me.My eyes glowed and waved at him.He just give me a nod with his stoic expression.He got up and walked towards me.

Kim Rok Soo Pov
I was sitting in my seat.It was still early for class to start,some students are busy with their homework some are chatting while other students are roaming around the school.There wasn't much to do.I was staring out of the window while thinking about stuff,then suddenly someone called out my name.I turned around and it was Choi Han.No,I should call him hyung..but somehow it feels weird for some reason.He waved at me.I nodded to him and got up from my seat.I walked towards him and walked with him in the hallway.

No one's Pov
Everyone was staring at the two figure who was chatting so lively.

-Why do you want to see me..Hyung..?
Rok Soo asked Choi Han.

Choi Han replied
-Ah,Rok Soo-nim..I think when we're alone you could call me causally..

Kim Rok Soo thoughts
Yeah,It is weird calling him Hyung.

Choi Han replied again
-I was asked to tell you to meet Alberu Hyung and Lee so Hyuk Hyung.

Rok Soo was dumfounded and confused at the same time.

Rock Soo replied..
-Why would they want to meet me?..I didn't do anything bad this time you know.

Choi Han suddenly laugh a little.
Rok Soo was dumfounded again.

-What...what's so funny. asked Rok Soo

Choi Han replied
-No...Rok Soo-nim.You admit that you get into trouble all the time.


Choi Han added a reassuring reply
-They just wanted to talk about something.About the..Arm.

No one's Pov
The two figure who just talked lively just now turned to a serious talked atmosphere.While they were talking about the organization, a lady was infront of them.She was wearing the same uniform as Choi Han,a council uniform.Rok Soo looked up and locked eyes with the lady.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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