Chapter 17~The Concert

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Hope you like this chappie!!

Niall's POV

Woah, Andy is an amazing kisser..... It's just unbelievable how much you can fall for someone in a few days....

Anyways, now me and Andy have both decided to get ready for bed, because we have a concert tomorrow.

I finish changing into some pyjama bottoms and grab my laptop to check twitter out for a bit.

I'm scrolling through some tweets as my door is swung open by a smiling Louis. Oh boy, it's time for the interrogation.

Him and Harry thought they were 'Oh so cautious' while spying on my and Andy, I could see them in the kitchen!!!

Whatever, they're just snoopy boys.

"Sooooo, how's Andy doing?" He asks, trying he doesn't already know.

"Louis, cut the crap, I saw you and Harry spying on us!!!" I say.

"oh yeah!!! We did didn't we?!? Anyways, when are you gonna ask her out?" He asks, like it's a plain and simple question.

"Well, tomorrow night after the concert, we're going on a date. But, I don't have any idea where to take her..."

"You should sooooo take her to that garden on the roof of the concert hall!!!" Louis says "Me and Harry can like, set it up and stuff and you guys can like, have dinner!!!"

"Not too bad an idea Lou...... Not too bad an idea...." I say, trailing off into boring details with Louis.

Andy's POV

So, today is the boys first concert on tour. Still in London. Also meaning that this will be the first time I will sing to anyone. Well, first time singing to a huge crowd.... I've already sung to people, obviously or I wouldn't be opening for the boys.... ANYWAYS, enough of my mindless babbling. LET GET BACK ON SUBJECT!!!

So, now I'm sitting in my bedroom deciding what to wear for my first concert... Gosh, I've never been so nervous!!!

Tonight, I'm performing an original song I wrote called "Put Your Hearts Up".

The boys say it sounds good, but I'm not too sure.... I'm insecure of many things, and my voice is very much one of those things...

Whatever!!! 'I'll get through it, I'll get through it, I'll get through it' I keep mumbling to myself. Soon enough it's almost time to leave. I'm just wearing a plain pink tee-shirt and some jean-shorts. I know I'll most likely get in poo for not being dressed properly but ehh!!! YOLO!!!

I head downstairs, get my shoes on and grab my purse before yelling at the boys that is was time to go.

"Why are we leaving nowww?" Zayn says, sounding sad "The concert doesn't start till 7 and it's only 2!!!!!!"

"Rehearsals? You guys, we have to go, we all need our practice!!! The concert is TONIGHT!" I say, sounding more worried than I would've liked to.

"Aweeeee, is wittle Andy a bit newvous?" Harry says, pinching my face cheeks. 

Ughhh, that loser!!! Just kidding of coarse! I love the guys like family..... But you have to admit, he's quite the loser sometimes!!

"Who's quite the loser sometimes?" Liam asks me, looking confused.

Oh.... I guess my nervousness is making me speak my thoughts again..... Oh boy...

"Yes, I suppose you guessed right!" Zayn says, now partly laughing at my nervousness.

"Stop reading my mind and lets go!!" I say, finally getting authority back.

"Alright" The boys murmur and grab their shoes and whatnot before walking out to the limo. Wait!!! Stop this train for a minute, why do we have a limo?

I'm babysitting who? -EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now