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The rain was pouring down on Elise. She stood dripping wet in her soaking wet sweat shrit, wich wasn't doing any good at stopping the rain from dripping through her clothes. Only on a Thursday would this ever happen, she mumbled to her self silently. The rain picked up and lighting snaked through the sky, followed by a crack of thunder. "Where is that stupid bus", she yelled!
Who knows?
responded an unfirmillar voice.
She turned around and was greeted by a mysterious boy. He was pale and stood tall, his black hair sticking against his forehead and a strange shrit that looked like it had some sort of ruins on it.
Elise was about to ask who he was when suddenly she heard bus breaks screeching to a stop. She walked up the steps of the bus, but for a brief moment she thought she herd her name whispered by the boy in her ear.
She then remembered the boy and turned around and was faced with nothing, but rain pouring down outside.

Sorry this chapter was really short, I'll try to update as soon as I can. Also sorry for the Grammer mistakes!

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