do their parents like you?

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emily : yes
paul : not really
sam : yes
seth : yes
jacob : yes (as long as you dont play him like bella)
jared : yes
embry : his father yes but for his mother no because she ready for her 'little baby' to grow up but she will grow to like you afterwards
jasper : yes
edward : yes
emmett : yes
alec : (his parents are dead but we will do his sister for this) jane wont like you at first because she'll think your trying to take her brother away from her but after she relies that your not gonna take him away from her she will grow to love you and you guys will be inseparable, which make alec happy but not so happy that he has to kiddnap you to get you two away from each other
bella : yes but charlie is not awkward around you as he is with everyone which surprises everyone even him
alice : yes
rosalie : yes
esme : (her parents are dead so we will do this with her kids) yes
leah : yes they love you especially her mom because you were their for them when her dad died

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