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Mikey wants to contact Takemitchy, but doesn't want to involve himself with someone who will eventually forget him.

August 20th, 2007

Mikey could feel it. The feeling of losing one's self.

He sat in a bakery, alone. There was no one here, it was empty. It had shut down last year, but it had been Emma's favorite place to be. She loved the little cupcakes they made and she would buy him one for his birthday every year.

First it was Emma and Shinichiro who would take him, then just Emma. Then Emma and Ken-chin... Now here he sat, in that same booth, in the dark. It was dusty, cold and lonely. It truly reflected his heart.

He looked down at the plate with the fake display cupcake he found in the glass case. It was dull and dirty, just like Mikey. The colors had faded, the pinks and blues turned into a murky brown; the colors peeling at the ends. Mikey could relate.

Mikey placed the candle in the center, having to force it into the cardboard frosting top. He leaned back into his seat and stared at the cupcake, the booth across from him empty and feeling like eyes were staring at him with heavy judgment. He could remember his little sister sitting there.


Emma was dead.

She was dead just like Shinichiro and Izana. Like mom and dad. Like Grandpa.


Dead like all his friends if he didn't stay away.

It had been a year now since he had disappeared. It was the hardest decision he had to make. Ever since Takemitchy told him what he had done in that future, in all those futures, he knew he couldn't stay.

It was a good thing too because Kantou Manji was becoming far too dark for them to handle. If he didn't lean into that dark part of him he'd likely be horrified with himself, but it... felt like nothing really mattered much anymore.

He missed Takemitchy.

He stared at the cupcake and rose his lighter and held the fame to the wick watching blankly as it caught fire. And he... just sat there and existed as the candle burned and burned and burned, until the cupcake eventually caught fire and he just sat there.

The fire was hot, but Mikey didn't mind, it was nice to feel something other than the aching hollowness in his chest.


He felt for Takemitchy. 

He never felt happier than when he was with Takemitchy. The blond made him happy, his chest felt fluffy and his head felt light. Life felt like it was really worth living when he thought about Takemitchy being happy. Then it would sink back in that he would never see him again.

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