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The screeching of the car's tires awakened me. I rolled over to the opposite side of the backseat as the car made a sharp turn. My body slammed into the car door, hoping I would have crashed into Mikasa only to be notified that she was not in the vehicle with me.

I tried to yell her name but the cloth forbid me from speaking let alone making any noise. I felt tears fill my eyes and spill over the brim only to be caught and absorbed by the blindfold.

After what seemed like hours, the car came to halt. I heard the car doors open briefly then shut closed. Once again one of the car doors open, I felt someone pull me out of the vehicle by my ankles.

I sniffed the air to get a hint at where I was located but no luck. I could smell smoke though. It was from a cigaret, I could tell.

I was placed on my feet and was forced to stand up. A large, strong hand grasped my arm and harshly pulled me forward, leading me to wherever we were going. I stumbled a few times due to the blindfold blocking my vision.

"Oh, boys! Didn't I tell you to not being the employees in like this?!" a soft female voice said with a sweet French accent. "Sorry, Madam." a deep voice said with his own French accent. "Untie him immediately!" She sighed. The knots loosened up and fell along with the blindfold. I fluttered my eyes open and looked around frantically.

In front of me stood a beautiful woman with porcelain skin. Her cheeks were flushed a healthy pink as her ivory face brought out her stunning hazel green eyes. Her silk, pastel, pistachio green hair was up in a messy bun. She wore a sweater that slipped off her shoulder with shorts and stockings.

"I'm Alex." She smiles with her pearly white teeth as she holds out her hand for me to shake. I flinch slightly as she does so but shake it gently before retreating my hand back to my side. "You don't have to be afraid of me, Kitten!" She giggles. "I hope we can become good friends! I'll be doing your skin care, hygiene control, and I'll be putting your outfits together!" Alex claps her hands together and smiles the same bright smile with her eyes squinted closed. She seemed genuinely happy to help me. I felt like I should try to trust her, I just didn't want to get too close.

The men walked out of the room after she dismissed them. I was glad they did, they scared me. Alex beckoned me over to the animal printed fuzzy couch to rest on. Embarrassed due to my raggedy clothes and dirty face I hesitantly sat as far away from her as possible.

I wondered what happened to Mikasa. Did they take her too? Maybe just in a different vehicle. Is she here in the same building? Is she dea-

"So, Eren." Alex's soft voice pulled me away from my thoughts. "Y-yes?" I uttered out quietly. "I really do hope we can become close friends. I'll be taking care of you from now on. Even if or when you leave this place I'll go with you and whoever gets to have you." She smiles kind and reassuringly. My eyes brim with tears at the thought of someone owning me.

What does that even mean? Am I going to just work for them? Like a slave? For cleaning or house work or whatever?

I suddenly break into a fit of sobs. A pair of arms wrap around me and pull me close to the body they belonged to. I knew right away it was Alex. She smelt of vanilla and hairspray. I violently sobbed into her chest as she rubbed my back soothingly.

"Shh, Eren. It's going to be alright, Kitten. I'm here for you." She whispered soothingly. Alex sniffled and gently moved me back to look at me. I gazed down at the animal printed couch only for her to lift up my chin with her fingers. Warm tears streamed down my face less frequently. She wipes them away with a tissue that was dispensed from a tissue box on the coffee table.

"There's no need to cry, Kitten I'm here. I know we just met but we will bond and become like brother and sister." Alex flashes me a warm smile. I sniffle and nod. "O-okay." My voice comes out hoarse from sobbing. Her smile brightens and she gives me a small hug. "Good now I need to get you cleaned up so we can get you something to eat, then maybe if you're not too tired we can try to spend time together!" She claps her hands together and giggles, regaining her cheery composure. "A-alright."

"I'm going to take you a bath if that's okay with you?" Alex smiles and raises her eyebrows. I hesitantly nod in approval.

Alex took me up stairs of the royal-looking house. The house was absolutely enormous. It had pillars that held up the stairs and the walls looked as if they had padded gold cushion. The house looked like a palace.

She guided me to the bathroom, a large tub came into view along with a large shower chamber. Alex plugged the drain of the tub and ran the hot water to fill the tub. As the tub filled she exited the room, coming back shortly with a white towel, a robe, and some black boxers. She set the towel on the back rest of the chair next to the tub and hung the robe.

"Please remove your clothes." Alex's voice said, softly breaking the silence. Her French accent echoing off the walls of the royal bathroom. She took out a bottle of shampoo and a bar of body soap. I did as I was told. The smell of apricots and roses invaded my senses. I tossed my dirty rags into the trash bin and stood, awkwardly covering my genitals.

A soft giggle emitted from Alex. I looked up with a dark blush on my cheeks and ears to see Alex turning off the water.

She motioned me to come closer. "You can get in the tub now, Eren." She giggles again as I hesitantly enter the tub. I sigh in relaxation as the lukewarm water coats my body.

As she begins to wash my body and get me clean like I was her own child, she explains to me were I'm at and what I'm doing here.

I'm in a whore house.

I'm going to be sold.

I'm going to be exploited.

I'm going to be hurt.




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