Part one

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"YAY" Diancie said cheerfully "the day has finally come" Diancie twirled in excitement. "yeah let's make the cake the pizza the-" Victini was cut off by Meloetta "ok we don't need SO much food Victini " Meloetta continued setting up the tables she borrowed from the pokemon day care. "I'M HERE! " said a most cheerfull voice. "Manaphy your here!" Meloetta said in a happy tone. Victini went down to give Manaphy a hug."Thanks Victini " Manaphy giggled and sat on the chair waiting for everyone else. "hey where's phione?" asked Meloetta "OH umm shes coming " just then a big wave showed up and phione was floating on top of wave "back down water back down" then the water soked back down to the ground. "nice entrance do" Victini said whering her swag glasses . "no " Meloetta smack the glasses of Victini's head."aww,come on Meloetta let Victini where her swag glasses pwease " Diancie made those puppy eyes "...fine" Diancie's eye lit up and she twirled again singing "my day it's my day my beautify day my day where a become a princess with more power of life~" Melloweta smiled at Diancie then continue making party favors.then Mew came "hi low guys" "Mew!" Manaphy huged Mew "ok ok not so hard" Manaphy let Mew go. "sorry it's just I haven't seen you for a long time" Mew smiled "its ok" Mew huged Manaphy "ok this is NOT a hug fest" Victini said a little annoyed. Soon everyone got here Celebi,Shaymin,Jirachi,Genesect, Keldeo everyone. "all right everyones here right?" Meloetta scanned the area seeing everybody sitting down on a chair with a table. "OK PRESENTING THE BEAUTIFUL MAGNIFICENT PRINCESS DIANCIE!" Victini said while holding the microphone. Diancie came out with the most beautiful dress. everyone clapped "oh, I can't wait till Xerneas arrives " said Celebi clapping her little hands. then all of a sudden a huge wave of light came through the forest entrance. it was Xerneas. everyone bowed down even Mewtwo. "now Diancie you will get the blessing of a princess "as Xerneas was about to bless Diancie the ground started to rumble like an earthquake "w whats h h happpeniiingg" Victini said as she lost her balance. "it's awake " "whats awake? "asked Shaymin "Yveltal" Xerneas ran to the green clift."who's Yveltal?" asked Diancie Xerneas looked at Diancie with a serious face "he's the pokemon of destruction" Diancie sat down since she knew there was gonna be story telling."long ago a world with peace and happiness existed through out land, pokemon evolved basic all kinds where living in peace, then Yveltal came destroying every living thing it saw in its way. even the most innocent of pokemon were killed " Diancie gasped she doesn't like the fact of death even if its not her business "then I came to put him in a cocoon, the ten thousand year cycle has past now he's on the move. I have to stop him and send he back in his cocoon" Diancie and the others herd "can we help ?" asked Latias "" said Xerneas "b b but you need help" said Keldeo "yes please? " Diancie was holding Xerneas neck "I'm sorry but I have to do this alone " Xerneas left. "lets follow her " "WHAT, Diancie you can't be serious? " "YES I'M SERIOUS MELOETTA! " Meloetta looked shocked "emm..yes I'm serious "
Diancie left and so did the other legendarys. As they followed Xerneas though the whole forest Latias and Latios flew up high so did Victini. the others went around with out making a sound. "stop here we'll surprise her" said Diancie they hid behind her as the so Xerneas face to face with Yveltal. "it's been along time Xerneas " "Yveltal we meet again " Yveltal flew around Xerneas "well ten thousand years sure does fly by doesn't it" well enough talk" Yveltal used dark pales "LOOK OUT" yelled Keldeo as he saved Meloetta from the attack. "are you ok?" he asked blushing slightly "yes, thank you"Meloetta replied. "Diancie I thought I told you to-ACK!" Yveltal saw the perfect moment to attack. "XERNEAS! " yelled Diancie as she saw Xerneas turn to stone. "run...RUN" "no I can't leave you" Diancie saw a tear in Xerneas' s eyes "go" Diancie and the others ran but it was to late.Yveltal used the same attack and ALL the legendarys went flying and all unconscious.

part 1 hope you enjoyed (^°^)

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