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April 7th, 2009-2 days until the next full moon-Late night

Terminal Station, evening...

The Station entrance is buzzing with activity...

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

A female student is in her dorm room, gasping, the only sound is her running sink  "I just... put it to my head...and pull the chickening out..." She holds a gun-shaped object to her head, She tries her best to pull the trigger, but she can't, The Evoker slips from her hand and falls to the ground.

meanwhile, on the last train to Iwatodai,

the train was fairly empty, the conductor spoke over the intercom, "Attention passengers, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay the next stop is Iwatodai", a dark blue hair boy was looking out the window, his mp3 on full volume, his mp3 was playing 'burn my dread'.

the train comes to a stop, and the boy steps off the train, "Iwatodai, Iwatodai, this is the last train bound for Tatsumi Port island, please make sure you board in time for departure", the voice rang out through the station, the boy looked up at a sign then kept walking, not paying much attention to the announcement, 

The boy stopped, the clock behind him ticked to midnight, then the power faded, and his MP3 shut off, through a part of the roof, a green light shined down into the station. The blue-haired boy took out a pamphlet, that showed information about Gekkoukan High School, and the dorm he would be staying in.

The blue-haired boy walked out of the station, as he walked, he saw coffins all over the streets, he observed them, the Moon in the sky was glowing green making the scene eerier, after a bit of walking, he stepped in a puddle of blood, he stood outside a building, 'Iwatodai Dorm', the blue-haired boy walked in.

The blue-haired boy was met with an empty lobby, the only light came from two lamps beside the door. The boy placed his luggage on the floor and removed his headphones from his ears, "You're late, I've been waiting a long time for you." The blue-haired boy turned his head to the left and saw a boy dressed in a black and white outfit standing behind the desk.

The boy snapped his fingers and appeared in front of the Blue hair boy, "Now if you want to proceed, please sign your name there, it's a contract, don't worry all it says is that you'll accept full responsibility for your actions, you know the usual stuff."

The blue-haired turned to the contract and wrote his name.

'Makoto Yuki'

The young boy took the contract, "No one can escape time, it delivers us to the same end, You can't plug your ears or cover your eyes" The boy started to fade into the darkness, "and so it begins...", The boy faded into the dark, the room now turned into the same eerie green as the station, 

Makoto stood there, when a feminine voice yelled out, "Who's there?", Makoto turned to see a brunette girl about his age standing there, She looked frightened. Her hand was near her leg, and she started to breathe heavily, her hand went to grab the thing at her leg when another voice yelled out.

"Takeba! Wait!", the Takeba girl turned to see another person standing there, a red-haired girl, behind her was a (H/C)-haired boy, Takeba smiled at them, the red-haired girl returning the smile.

The two walked up to them, and the red-haired girl spoke up, "I didn't think you'd arrive so late. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. I'm one of the students who live in this dorm."  the brunette turned to Mitsuru, "Who's he?", Mitsuru turns to her, "He's a transfer student, it was a last-minute decision to assign him here." she continued, "He'll eventually be moved to a room in the boy's dorm.", The brunette seemed a bit on edge, "Is it okay for him to be here?" she asked.

I'll love you till the end (Makoto Yuki x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now