Imagine#1 how you two meet

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Luke: You and your best friend went to the mall to do some weekend shopping. You guys went to Forever Yogurt for a snack. Once you guys got the frozen yogurt you saw a handsome blonde haired blue eyed boy with a cute little lip piercing. You forgot you were staring and he caught you looking at him. You quickly turned your head while blushing. "(Y/N) some dude with the blonde hair is coming over here. (Y/BFF/N) said. "Umm h-hi I'm L- Luke. What's your name?" Luke stuttered. "My name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you Luke." You said blushing. "I was thinking about maybe I could take you out, o-only if you want!?" He said. "I'd love that!! Here's my number! Bye Luke."

Ashton: You were going on your daily jog in the park. You had on all you exercise gear on. While running and listening to Jack and Jack's song Cold Hearted you tripped over a log and hit your head on the ground. "Owwwwwwww!!!!!!" You groaned in pain as well as the person next to you on the ground did. The brunette you fell with got up and helped you up. "Are you okay?" The boy said with his cute Aussie accent. "I'm fine. I guess." You said. "Ashton" he said. "(Y/N)" you said. "So, maybe we could go out sometime?" He said with hopeful eyes. "Sure!" You said. "Oh well I need your number then!" He said winking. You blushed and gave him your number.

Michael: Being the new girl at school wasn't easy. From people talking about you and asking you about why you left your old school and teachers in your face all the time. As you were looking for room 316. "Um excuse me someone? Can I get some help?Anybody?!!!?" You said while getting shoved. "Move it new girl!"one person said. Wow today should be fun! Nope. I just need someones help to get to my class. "Hey are you lost?" A boy with deep blue hair asked. "Yes please!!" You said. The blue haired boy took your schedule. "Okay follow me to room 316." He said. You guys started walking. "So, where you from?" He asked you. " I'm from (where your from)." You said. "Cool my name's Michael. You?" He asked. "(Y/N)." You replied to him. As your guys conversation ended you were at the room you needed. "Thanks Michael!" You said. "You can thank me when you go out tomorrow night with me!" He said while walking away. Maybe being the new girl isn't so bad.

Calum: In your neighborhood your parents knew everyone. The new neighbors the Hood family was new. So, of course your parents had to have them over. "YN I went to our neighbors house and they're coming over for dinner tonight!" Your mom said. You nodded your head okay. As your mom and dad were preparing dinner for you guys and the Hood family. You were picking out your outfit. "They're bound to have a good looking son right?" You asked your brother/sister. "I don't know or care!" They said to you while you rolled your eyes. Later on that day there was a knock on the door. "I GOT IT MOM!!!!!!" You yelled. As you opened the door. You saw your neighbors but most of all a handsome boy with brown hair and eyes in front of you. You welcomed the family inside. "Hi Im (Y/N)." You said looking at the brunette' eyes. "Im Calum nice to meet you!"

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