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It has been three weeks since they came back, things had been going well with Seth, to well now that she thought about it, they had both been busy since they had come back and hadn't interacted much, besides the sex, they still had great sex just as often as they did in the beginning. Zoey hadn't been feeling very well lately and she couldn't seem to keep anything down. Zoey stepped into the pharmacy, her period was late, she knew this might happen but not so soon. She looked through the aisles and found the pregnancy tests. She went back to the office and used her private bathroom, she bit her nails and paced the small bathroom as waited the five minutes your supposed to.

She bent over the sink and looked at the test that sat on the edge of the counter, POSITIVE. It's positive. How was Seth going to take this, would she accept the baby?  Would he ask her to abort it? Would he take their marriage seriously when he found out?

Seth sat on Rebecca's couch, "lets go out, take me to the most expensive restaurant it he city."

Seth cupped her face gently, "Becky, you know we can't, someone could see us, and a lot of people will be upset about that.'"

Rebecca pouted, "how about we compromise then, take me to you place, I want you to fuck me in the bed you sleep in with that bitch you have to call wife."

"We can do that here, we don't need to go there."

Rebecca turned away from him and crossed her arms, and sniffled, "You don't love me anymore do you? You love your new wife now. You are letting her control you and tell you what to do. You don't have the fucking balls to do it now that your married to that bitch."

"She doesn't control me, you know it's you that I love. I'll do anything for you, I live you and you alone," Seth hugged her from behind.

"Lets go then," Rebecca turned and walked towards the door.

Zoey walk into the building and pressed the button to the penthouse. She unlocked the door and heard talking and laughing and walked towards it. Seth sat on the table with a woman, that she could only assume it was Rebecca, he smiled, a smile Zoey had never seen before, he held her hand and kissed it tenderly, she could see the adoration in his eyes.

"What the fuck is going on?" Zoey said coming into the kitchen, "there is a limit to your womanizing way, this is completely disrespectful," Zoey walked towards them, "Rebecca I assume, you are a gold digging, home wreaking whore, get out of my home."

Rebecca stood up and came towards her, "the only whore here is you, he was mine first you bitch." Rebecca said.

"You may have had him first, but you are old news, he married me, he is my husband not yours and no matter what at the end of the day he is in my bed at night, fucking me and thats exactly where he will be tonight after he is done with you," Zoey smiled smugly at her.

Rebecca raised her hand ready to slap her, but Zoey caught her wrist mid air and pushed her back.

"Don't touch her, you are nothing compared to her, you are trash, you could never be in same same social status as Rebecca," Seth finally stepped in and backhanded her, Zoey flew into the corner table and hit her head, she sat dazed.

Zoey held her head and tasted the blood in her mouth, she watched Seth take her hand and walk away and out the door with her.

Zoey, slowly picked herself up and took out her cellphone, she dialed Luke.

"Hello, Zoey? Did you forget something?" Luke asked, he was about to leave the office but held back in case she needed him to grab something.

"Luke can you come to my apartment? I-I fell and hit my head, there's blood, I'm alone and I think I need to go to the hospital." Zoey said weakly.

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