Christopher Pierre (TW: Physical/emotional abuse and homophobic slurs)

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(I have no idea why, but I see baby Chris similar to Maki Harukawa. So, here's a Maki song so you can imagine what baby Chris was like. Now, enjoy.)

Christopher wandered into his home through a hole in the wall. 

Chris: "Mother's probably drinking her smoothie again. She seems to like those smoothies, though I'm not sure why. I've tried them, they're horren-"


He timidly walked into the kitchen. His mother, sure enough, had a smoothie in her hand.

Ms. Pierre: "Who- *hic* -the hell- *hic*- were you talking to!?"

Chris: "A friend, Mother."

Ms. Pierre: "Was it- *hic*- your boyfriend? What are you a fag!?"

Chris: "No Mother. I was talking to a girl."

Ms. Pierre: "This is- *hic*- why you'll end up like your father."

He stayed silent, the comment hurt him more than the others. Nobody wanted to be compared to a lazy, undedicated, cheater like him.

Ms. Pierre: "Hey! HEY! Answer me, you little twat!"

His mother raised her hand to smack him. Chris, out of pure instinct, pushed her away and ran off. He ran off under his bed to avoid her wrath. Of course, she knew where he was. She grabbed his ankle and dragged him out. In her hand was her trusty metal bat. 

Chris: "Mother, please..!"

Ms. Pierre: "SHUT THE *hic* FUCK UP!"

She smacks the bat over his head, definitely knocking him out. When he came to, he was locked up in the basement with some new bruises. He crawled out through a hole in the wall. He wandered over to the local park. Only a couple of kids were there, including that religious nut Chris hated.

Chris: "It's better than being locked in a basement for hours."

He looked around for people he might know. There was the blue-haired girl, Veronica-

Chris: "Veronica's here? At least I know her. She probably doesn't like me though."

He walked over to her.

VF: "Oh! Hey Chris!"

He sat next to her without responding. She was used to this by now. 

VF: "Hey, what's on your forehead? Looks like a bruise."

Chris: "I fell."

VF: "On what?"

Chris: "A rock.."

She shot him a glare telling him she didn't buy it at all. She started feeling sick so she went off to the bathroom. He got bored of waiting for her so he got up and strolled around the park. The religious kid walked up to him.

??: "Hey Chris-"

Chris: "I don't even wanna hear what'll come out of a filthy, sinful mouth like yours."

He knew bringing up sinfulness would make him feel bad, and hopefully, he'd leave him alone. 

??: "Well, it's important-"

Chris: "Shut the hell up! If you don't leave me alone, I'll tell everyone you've got a crush on Charon."

??: "B-But I'm st-straight!"

Chris: "Ha! Yeah right! You're not very good at hiding it. We all see you staring at Charon, blushing like a pervert. So, unless you want that out, I suggest you stay out of my way."

He scurries away, frightened. 

VF: "Okay, I'm back. Did anyone die?"

Chris: "Not yet.."

VF: "C'mon! I wanna show you somethin'!"

She leads Chris to an empty clearing in the woods. A girl that looks like a living cartoon walks out from behind a tree.

VF: "Chris, this is my friend Maika. Maika, this is Chris."

He stares at her blankly, not saying a word.

Maika: *whispers* "Is he okay?"

VF: "Oh yeah, he does this all the time. Nothin' to worry about."

Maika: "Well, alright then. I'm Maika, but my friends call me Slurpee."

She extends her hand for a handshake. He delays but he shakes her hand.

Chris: "Your very warm."

Flower and Maika look at each other. 

VF: *whispers* "da fuck?!"

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