I'm sorry

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It was late evening when you and Ayaka had decided to explore some local ruins. These were just outside of Inazuma city, you could never have guessed they would be so dangerous. Within a few hours, everything went to shit and Ayaka was gone... literally. She had slipped while you two were ascending a steep incline, which also was very unfortunately placed over a dark crevice. Deep down you knew there was no way she could have survived that, and yet here you sat continuously calling for her. You intended to find a way down grasping onto any thought that she could still be alive, but as you gradually made your descent your hope grew thin. No matter how many times you called, no matter how closer to the bottom you got, it was futile. You got close enough to see a cold mangled figure at the bottom of the crevice. You swallowed hard, biting back tears and any emotion that dared shove its way to light. Tentatively, you slowly climbed back up the way you came.

When you made it back within the city the first place you went was the Kamisato residence. Strangers stared as you passed, your form dirty with the dust and filth of the ruin, your face puffy and red from emotions you couldn't control. You didn't care what they thought, didn't have time. He was here, what shitty timing. It was unmistakably nice out today, and he was out enjoying the sunset. You had originally intended to find Thoma, though you really didn't want to be the one to bear the news to anyone, let alone Ayato. He smiled upon your arrival, at this point it took everything in you to not turn around and run away. If there was one way to ruin someones day this was it.

Ayatos smile slowly faded the closer you got, "Are you alright, Traveler?" You grimaced, trying so hard not to break down again. This was all for not though when Thoma came out with supper and asked where Ayaka was, as he knew you went out to the ruins together. You stumbled and dropped to the ground wracked with tears, startling the boys. Ayato swiftly caught you and lowered himself down with you, Thoma placing things down and rushing over. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." you sobbed over and over into Ayatos chest. "Where is Ayaka?" he asked calmly, a hint of worry in his tone. You mumbled something incoherent and he rubbed his hand along your back. "Traveler I need you to tell me what happened." he demanded. He looked towards Thoma and quickly back at the house, Thoma taking the sign ran inside. Nobody had ever seen you like this, this was serious.

You sniffled and tried again to explain what happened but it all came out in a fast, prolonged sentence mixed with sobs. "Is she alive?" Ayato asked with a swallow, dreading your reply. You shook your head and buried your face deeper into his chest, "I'm sorry..."
He squeezed you tight.

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