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Age: 15

Ricky was sitting in the park on the lonely swings reminiscing all his and nini's memories it was going to be very special today.

Ricky didn't even realize nini was standing right in front him "hi ni-"

"Ricky this friendship is not working anymore!!" Nini exclaims as she stood in front of him suddenly

"No Nini! we can make this work it's all going to be okay!" Ricky says hopefully

"Ricky it's not going to be fine we're drifting apart more by the day!" Nini cries out

The night wind makes the swings lightly swing, creating a calming but warning sound

"We'll make time for each other again! It's all going to be alright! Ricky says he is afraid of more change in his life, a change he couldn't handle.

"Ricky you spend all your time with that gina girl you don't even bother sending a text!!" Nini finally lets it all out. things she's been hiding within her all along.

Ricky flinches was she.. jealous?

Ricky asks skeptically, "Is this what it's about, are you jealous?!"

"NO!" she answers a little too quickly 

"You sure do spend a lot of time with that Elton dude! don't make this all my fault" 

"You know why! because you don't have time for me you can't even ask how I am doing anymore!!" she exclaims

Ricky started thinking had he been this busy!

"yeah no answer, I think we both had responsibilities that we couldn't handle," she says and then starts walking away tears streaming down her face

   "No are you ending our friendship because you somehow found out I liked you?" he shouts out, one of his worst habits just spilling everything out at once.

Nini turns around shock present on her face

"You liked me...?" asked nini in a quiet tone

"No Nini, I loved you" he whispers quiet enough for her to hear over the smooth wind

they both turn around and walk their separate ways shocked at today's revelations.


More chapters coming soon lmk how you like it!

Much love!!<33


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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