Chapter Five

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Obi-Wan raced down the halls of the quiet Temple towards the exit. He knew he was getting strange looks from the various Jedi he scampered past on his run; he could feel their curiosity. He didn't know where he was going; he just knew he had to get away from the Temple, from the Jedi and from...Qui-Gon Jinn.

"Hey Obi, where are you going!?" called Padawan Garen Muln from behind Obi-Wan, stopping him in his tracks. Garen was his best friend; he couldn't very well ignore him. So he turned to face his approaching friend.

"I haven't decided yet. I just need to leave for a while," he told the other young man.

Garen could see that his friend was hurting, but he couldn't feel it. Even when putting all of his own considerable power behind his Force skills, he couldn't get any sense at all of Obi-Wan's emotions. His shields were drawn up as tightly and expertly as any Jedi Master were capable of doing.

"I'll go with you," Garen offered. "Master Clee has given me the rest of the day for personal recreation." He didn't feel that his friend should be alone.

Obi-Wan seemed to hesitate for a moment before he spoke. "Okay. I was actually thinking maybe I'd take and air-taxi over to the Senate Hall," he mentioned to Garen, knowing of his love for all things political.

Garen laughed heartily. "You were not. Your distaste for all politicians and the entire political process is legendary and won't allow you to simply roam the Senate Hall without a specific reason," he declared. "Why are you really going over there?" he asked; his curiosity at an all-time high.

"I don't have distaste for all politicians," was Obi-Wan's immediate indignant response. "It's only the majority of them I can't stand and don't trust. I actually find Senator Palpatine to be quite honest and forthright in his political views. He's very personable," Obi-Wan stated as he turned away from Garen and began walking again.

Garen just shrugged as the two Padawans made their way out of the Temple and into Coruscant towards and air-taxi station. He had to admit, as far as politicians were concerned, Palpatine was his favorite as well. Just like Obi-Wan, Garen trusted the openly honest, friendly and generous Nubian Senator.


"Truths, yes, time for truths it is," Yoda said, but immediately Xanatos knew that the old master didn't mean the truth about Obi-Wan. He quickly stifled his anger over that realization and continued the conversation.

"You and Master Windu mean to tell the other Council members, and Jinn, why I'm really here, don't you?" Xanatos asked, his tone displaying his skepticism concerning that idea.

"Yes, intend to tell them I do. Know the truth, they must, Qui-Gon especially," Yoda commented plainly.

Xanatos stood and stretched out his long arms and legs. "As you wish, Master," his words came in a patronizing manner. "Perhaps you can tell them after you discuss Praxus with Jinn," he muttered to himself, Qui-Gon's last name said with every ounce of bitterness he still felt towards his old mentor. The old man most likely doesn't even have anything useful to report, he thought to himself.

Yoda easily picked up Xanatos' thoughts about Qui-Gon. "Loves you, he still does," he told the man quietly. "Challenged and confused by your presence, he is. Come around, he will."

Xanatos gave no reply to those softly spoken words of comfort. He simply executed a small bow and turned to leave Yoda's quarters.

"To be in the Council chambers at 1900 hours, I will expect you," Yoda said just as Xanatos stepped from the room into the hall. His only acknowledgement of Yoda's parting words was a wave of his hand.


"What have I done?" Qui-Gon muttered for the hundredth time in just a few moments.

He was just about to go in search of his apprentice when the com-unit chirped from across the room, alerting him to an incoming message. He quickly pushed the button and the image of Mace Windu became visible on the screen.

"Qui, Master Yoda and I are convening a special session at 1900 hours. We have many things to discuss. Your presence is required."

"Understood. Is it necessary for Obi-Wan to be present at this meeting?" he asked his oldest friend.

"No, Obi-Wan may spend the time as he wishes," Mace answered.

Qui-Gon nodded once. "I'll be there."

The transmission ended and the screen went blank. "Finally," Qui-Gon spoke to himself. He was tired of waiting to give his report to the Council. He wanted to get that over with so he could, hopefully, get the answers he wanted regarding Xanatos.


Xanatos knew he was taking a huge chance at being recognized as he stepped into the large room; the Jedi Archives. If Madame Nu discovered his presence, she'd...well; he knew it wouldn't be pleasant.

Staying close to the outer wall, he moved quickly to a work-station; his favorite when he'd been a child. He quickly entered the information he needed; every available piece of data concerning Obi-Wan Kenobi. That part was easy; waiting for his request to be processed without being noticed by someone who would recognize him would not be. If he were seen, against the orders of Masters Yoda and Windu, he'd be in big trouble.

Star Wars: Giver of Light Book I-Finding a Father in a Memory (AU)Where stories live. Discover now