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"How did we let two of our boys get their teenage girlfriends pregnant?" my father asked, tensely avoiding eye contact with Noah and me.

"Yeah, I warned your son, and he still did it, too," Sam sighed, squirting gel onto Claire's stomach before gently maneuvering a bulb-like object. The ultrasound screen lit up with a vivid image of my babies.

"How much longer will this take?" Noah inquired impatiently.

"It won't be too lengthy," Sam assured us. "Now that Claire and Sarah are here and my ultrasound machine is up and running, we can proceed." I shifted my position behind him, peering intently at his computer screen as he adjusted the knob across Claire's abdomen. My father stood quietly behind me, his gaze on the screen as well. A distinct image of my baby boy appeared, accompanied by a list of details: "Eight months—a boy, two pounds, blue eyes, black hair—" Sam adjusted the knob again, focusing on my little girl. "Eight months—a girl, two pounds, blue eyes, black hair—"

My heart skipped a beat as I watched the images of my unborn twins, feeling excitement and anxiety wash over me. Seeing their tiny forms on the screen was surreal, and knowing they were growing inside Claire. I exchanged a glance with Noah, and we both smiled, our worries momentarily forgotten in the joy of this unexpected revelation.

My father's stoic expression softened as he stared at the ultrasound screen, his eyes glistening with emotion. "They're beautiful," he whispered, his voice cracking with a hint of pride. Despite the initial shock, he seemed genuinely touched by the sight of his soon-to-be-born grandchildren.

Sam continued to move the ultrasound wand, capturing more images and measurements. "Everything looks healthy and normal," he reassured us. "You two are going to be parents of twins, and it seems like they're doing great in there."

Claire smiled, her eyes brimming with tears of happiness. "Thank you, Sam. This means the world to us."

My uncle shifted the bulb to Sarah's tummy next, carefully exploring until he made an unexpected discovery — not just one baby.

"Triplets?" Noah exclaimed, his composure nearly slipping away. I could have sworn I saw him waver briefly as well.

"Yep, triplets," Sam confirmed with an exhausted sigh. The ultrasound screen revealed three distinct shapes, each with its details. "Triplets, all healthy. Two boys and a girl. They will be around a pound, with brown eyes and dark brown hair."

The idea of twins had already been a surprise, but triplets? It was a revelation that none of us had anticipated. Claire's eyes welled up with tears from joy and astonishment for Sarah and Noah.

Noah squeezed Sarah's hand gently. "Just my luck."

My father, standing silently behind us, broke into a hearty laugh. "Triplets," he repeated, shaking his head in disbelief. "I never thought Sam would be a grandfather to triplets."

Sam continued to scan Sarah's abdomen, carefully monitoring each of the triplets' positions and measurements, and marked it down on his laptop. "The good news is that all three are looking healthy and growing well," he assured us. "But it's going to be a busy household with these little ones around."

"We're up for the challenge, right, James?" Noah glanced at me, his eyes widened.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"So, about superhero work tonight," Noah started. "I have a date with Sarah and want to take tonight off. Is there any way Derek or one of you can fill in for me?"

My father nodded, his mind shifting from the astonishment of impending triplets to the practicality of their superhero responsibilities. "I think Derek can handle it," he said. "We'll ensure the city is safe tonight while you celebrate."

Noah smiled gratefully. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

Derek wandered down the staircase in his suit. "I can take over for Noah tonight," Derek assured us. "I've been training hard and have been off my ass all day waiting to do something productive."

Noah nodded appreciatively. "Thanks for stepping up to the plate, Rookie."

"You're welcome," Derek nodded. "So, what's this I'm hearing about triplets?"

"Sarah's having triplets," I replied, focused on Claire's moving belly.

"Cool," Derek said bluntly, gaining an annoyed eye-roll from Noah. Derek leaned against the wall, playing with his accessories on his utility belt. "I will start early since I don't have much else to do today, and I want to keep searching for Henry." Derek pulled away from the wall and walked swiftly to the staircase before our father stopped him.

"Be careful out there, Derek," He said. "Your uncle is extremely dangerous, and I don't want him hurting you or taking your powers too. Especially when we need them most."

I scoffed. "What would you have done if he didn't get powers?" I asked.

My father shrugged.

"I'm out," Derek waved before hiking up the steps.

My father looked at me with pride and concern. "James, I need you to help me coordinate with Derek, Mark, and Bryce and keep an eye on the city tonight. We can't afford any distractions while he takes Noah's place."

I nodded in agreement. "Of course. We'll make sure the city is safe. In the meantime, I have a shift at Junkies Diner, so I going to grab my uniform." I leaned in, pecking Claire on the lips, and stomped up the basement steps after Derek.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now