Carrie the beyotch

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I walked up to my big mirror to pop the huge back wart that would never go away, while swaying my hips to the non existent music, my dangly balls occasionally slapping my leg. It kinda made me want to shit myself. As the music in my head died down I wiped the spot my ball repeatedly hit and slipped on my sexy under where and matching heels, along with my bright red wig. I put in my blue eye contacts, that made me feel as blind as a fucking bat, but who gives a trolls ass what the fuck I think of my blinding contacts. I walked out of the door to my neighbors car, with a golf club in my hand, and hit it repeatedly all over, until I felt the need to piss. I bulled out my turtle tongue and pissed all over, Carries, brand new car. That bitch deserved it anyways, always calling me Tim, when my name is Timmy. The asshole licker needs to get a grip on her small tits, and pronounce my name right. Finally when my anxiety died down I shit myself and sloshed it around until it felt solid, then went back inside.

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