Venena, Awaken.

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...It was dark, very dark. I tried to move, however, I was unable to move it. I tried to turn my body. I can't. Despite all that... I am just standing here. I feel so paralyzed... Where even am I? Rather... Who am I? I tried to move my fingers, even a little... Despite it feeling so heavy and I feel so paralytic... I then managed to move my finger just a centimeter. Just that, and I felt all power in my body to be gone...

A long time passed. A really long time. Then, I gradually felt the stinging sensation of my body feeling a liquid-like thing enveloping my whole body. I don't know what it is... However, I just want to move freely...

How long has it passed? While I am immersing myself in my thoughts, something happened that I didn't know would come true.

Within the seemingly infinite darkness. I saw very little white. I was first very confused, as I thought it would be like this forever. But... The light then became brighter and brighter. I metaphorically closed my eyes to block it from the light... And soon, it enveloped my whole body that gave off a gentle warmness...

"It's.... awa.... Proje... succ...." I heard an almost inaudible and incomprehensible voice. My eyes then opened up and looked around. My whole body was currently submerged in thick water that was just making my body float and my movements slow due to the thick green liquid inside of this seemingly cylindrical container that is enough to fully stretch my body but not move my body. I wasn't suffocating due to the lack of air due to something like a mask that covers my mouth and nose connected to a tube-like object.

"You... Inhumane... Experiment...!" I don't understand... What is happening? Who even am I? I kept looking around until my gaze landed on the person. It was blurry, however... that very person was shouting at other people besides him. I don't know what he is saying. He then noticed my gaze and both of our gazes met... I feel... Pity? A minute of screaming of that person, later on, that person was escorted by guards that wield metal-like pipes to a door...

"...Ehem... It seems you have now woke up Project Fragment" A clear voice was then heard as if it's all over my head. Project Fragment? Who? Me? Is that my name!? I'm confused...

"...Where am I...? Who am I...?" I then spoke, after doing so, I can hear a voice full of shock

"...This is unexpected. Project Fragment has consciousness and displays levels of intelligence... It is also questioning what it is itself... Intriguing." The voice replied back...

Stop... Don't call me it... I don't know who am I! Stop referring to me as Project Fragment! I... feel constricted...

"Oh? Its brain waves and heartbeat are getting faster, is it feeling some sort of emotion right now?" The person said.

What is this... I feel something... Just stop...

"...I don't want to be called Project Fragment!" I shouted towards the person. In which I can see their shocked faces behind the blurry glass container

"...I see... I see... Project Fragment wants to have a name. Well then, we'll give you---" Everything turned black. Except for what I am inside. The liquid seems to be glowing. And then, within the glow and the glass...

I can see a beautiful girl with long deep black hair which reaches to her waist, with a mask that covers her mouth and nose. Her golden pupils were reflected onto the glass as if seeing through everything. The most unusual thing that this girl has that the people from earlier didn't have was...

'Horns...' The girl I saw has smooth jagged protruding horns from her forehead. And on the top of the horns were illuminating very bluish with the likeness of ice... As if the girl I saw was the very depiction of authority.

Venena of the Imperial Round TableWhere stories live. Discover now