7) The rest of the night

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Y/n's pov

"There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie!" Randy was flailing his arms all around to enunciate his words.

"For instance, number one, you can never have sex." He stated as everyone started booing.

"Big no-no!" He yelled over their booing, swatting away the popcorn that someone had launched at him.

I laughed loudly as I guzzled the beer glued to my hand.

"Dead man." Stu gestured to himself, sticking his tongue out at the girl next to him.

"Sex equals death, okay?!" He continued on. "Number two, you can never drink or do drugs." He said.

Everyone including myself cheered and clinked our beer bottles together, chugging them down in a weird toast.

"No, the sin factor. It's a sin!" He clinked his bottle against the guy next to mine's. "It's an extension of rule number one." He was basically yelling over everyone.

"And number three," He started pointing his finger at us like it was the most important rule. "Never ever ever, under any circumstances say, 'I'll be right back', cause you won't be back." He stated.

I nodded, chugging back the last of my fifth beer and reaching blindly for another until my hand landed on a bottle.

Stu stood up, stumbling around. "Hey, I'm getting another beer, you want one?" He asked Randy.

Randy nodded. "Yeah, sure." He waved his hand dismissively like he was about to start speaking again.

"I'll be right back!" Stu yelled, dramatically backing into the kitchen.

Everyone around him shouted "Ohhhh!" Sort of cheering him on.

Randy Just shook his head, pointing at Stu. "You see, you push the laws and you end up dead. Okay I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife." He toasted to Stu and then came back over to sit next to me.

He unpaused the movie and I leaned my chin on his shoulder, clinking my beer bottle with his.

I sighed contently as he continued on about the movie and I opened my seventh beer.

"Look! Here comes the obligatory tit shot!" Randy said, pointing at the TV.

I rolled my eyes as all the guys started cheering and leaning forward.

The sound of the phone's shrill ring made me jump and grab onto Randy, then I laughed, more drunk than I had ever been.

Randy basically crawled off the couch and over to get it.

"Hello?" He asked groggily.

He looked just generally drunk at first, but his expression quickly changed to disbelief.

"Holy shit." His eyes were wide.

"What's up?" I hiccuped.

He turned around quickly and held the phone tightly in his hands. "They found principle Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field." He stated.

My eyebrows furrowed but I didn't fully understand what was happening, thanks to how wasted I was.

The guy named Nick started to laugh. "Well, what are we waiting for?" He jumped up and all the guys around him joined in on his laughter. "Let's go see before they pry him down!"

My face twisted into slight confusion. Why the hell do they want to see our dead principal?

They jumped over their seats excitedly and ran for the door, yelling excitedly all the while.

"Where you guys going?" Randy called after them, getting ignored. "We were just getting to the good part.." He pouted.

He walked- well more like stumbled back over to the couch I was seated on and flopped down, basically spread all over me.

I heard the cars speed away but I thought nothing of it, all I could focus on was Randy.

I snaked my arms around his neck and torso and pulled him closer as he put his arms on my waist, not even looking away from the TV.

"Randy?" I mumbled but he was too drunk to even know his own name. He just kept his attention focused on the movie and trying to hold me closer to him.

I cuddled my face into his neck. "You smell good." I said. It was true, he did smell very good.

"Thank you." He smiled lazily, kissing my head and making me giggle boisterously, cuddling further into him.

Our attention went back to the TV.

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