8) It's a scream, baby.

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This chapter is very improvised because I don't have the movie reference on hand.
We're skipping to the "look behind you Jamie" part
Y/n's pov

Jamie Lee Curtis was on screen, screaming her lungs out as she ran frantically around her house. Randy was interjecting his occasional commentary.

Just when she was backing up, someone was behind her. Randy started to speak, telling her to 'look behind you.'

Just as she looked back, someone in a black cloak appeared beside Randy, drawing a knife from their sleeve.

"Holy shit!" Randy and I exclaimed. He pushed me off the couch, which resulted in him being stabbed in the leg.

Great. Now Randy was just going to bleed out infront of me. How lovely.

They must have heard something outside, because ghostface turned to look at the window before rushing outside.

"Oh my god! Are you okay??" I ran over to Randy, suddenly more sober than ever.

"Does it look like I'm okay??" He asked, pressing a hand to his stab wound.

I helped him up and together the two of us stumbled out the front door as cautiously as a drunk person and a stabbed person could be.

"Look!" It's Gale!" I pointed to the weather lady getting into her news van.

We booked it towards the van without another thought.

"Gale!" Randy yelled, jumping infront of her opened window.

She let out a scream, hitting him with the phone on the head as hard as she could.

Randy fell to the ground as Gale drove away and into the forest.

"Oh shit Randy." I helped him up.

Suddenly, I spotted Sidney going back into Stu's house.

"Sidney!!!" I yelled as Randy and I hobbled up.

Stu came up behind us, screaming nonsense and Sidney pulled me into the house.

"Wait! Randy!" I tried to pry the door opened.

Stu and Randy began yelling that the other one of them did it, Stu yelling about Tatum being dead and crying.

Sidney had had enough at this point. "Fuck you both!" She slammed the door in their faces.

"What about Randy!?" I screeched.

"Forget about him!" Sidney exclaimed as Billy tumbled down the stairs.

I think I was still very drunk because I partially didn't know what the fuck was going on.

I tried to remember how to unlock a door as Sidney helped Billy with his... bloodiness.

Billy heard the knocking at the door and came over to unlock it, letting Randy in while Stu was nowhere to be found.

At this point, everyone was freaking out.

We were all yelling when Billy pulled out a gun and-

Wait, a GUN?!!?

What the actual fuck

He shot Randy.

He fucking shot Randy.

I collapsed next to my red headed love, pressing both my palms to where the bullet had entered his shoulder.

"Randy?" I asked, softly sobbing.

"I don't feel so hot." He groaned.

"Randy can you hear me?" I asked again.

Randy drew in a sharp breath at the pressure on his wound.

"I love you Randy." I cried. "I really love you."

For some reason or another, Billy and "appeared out of nowhere" Stuart decided to leave me to mourn on the ground, taking Sidney with them to the kitchen.

I heard yelling and screaming, gunshots and taunting, things breaking and someone toppling over.

I dragged Randy's semi conscious body slightly farther down the hall, more out of sight when I heard someone enter through the door.

For the next 20 minutes, I focused on keeping pressure on Randy's wound and trying not to cry more than I already was.

Eventually, Randy became more conscious.

"I love you too." He propped his head up with some difficulty. "I always have."

Before I had time to answer, the sound of someone thrashing through the living room and kitchen was heard.

I hauled Randy to his feet with much difficulty.

Billy was grabbing onto Sidney down the hall, and just in time Randy hit him right in the face, knocking him over.

"Randy, Y/n." Sidney looked surprised and relieved. "I thought you guys were dead."

"We probably should be." Randy said, gripping my hand tightly.

Gale came back inside, holding the gun.

The four of us glanced over a seemingly dead Billy.

"Careful. This is when the seemingly dead killer comes back for one final scare." Randy cautioned.

Just as predicted, Billy's head shot up but before anything else, Sidney shot him dead center forehead.

"Not in my movie." Sidney said, lowering the gun.

Sidney's dad tumbled out of he closet in front of us, tied up.

The police showed up, along with a dozen ambulances.

Randy and I sat together in the back of one, his wound being checked as Gale reported the case in the background.

"So does this mean you'll go out with me?" Randy asked me with that signature grin I had always loved.

"Yes, idiot." I smiled back at him, and for the first time, our lips connected in a love filled kiss. Sweet and short.

The enddddddd

Word count :838

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