"I missed you guys"

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                                                                                             Bex's Pov/ april 

I woke up and grabbed my phone and scrolled on TikTok then my mom comes bursting in and says "Bex Jenna Mikaelson! get off that phone and get up you have to be at school" I said ok  I'll get up then I got up went to my closet and picked out a red sweatsuit and red heels then I got in the shower for 20 minutes then I got dressed then I put my hair in a bun then I grabbed my bookbag then I went into the kitchen and ate then mom gave me my lunch and I went outside and got in my car 

then I called Nik and said where are you he said "on my way out of the house," I said ok then he came out and I put my stuff in the back then he got in the car and we drove to the Salvatore boarding school then we walked in and I saw people who I haven't seen since I was 15 my cousins Elijah, Lizzie, Josie so we walked up to them and we hugged them they said "hey Bex and Nik" I said hey I missed you guys we haven't seen each other since I and Nik were 15 and ya'll be 14 where is Freya? Elijah said "at school," I said, " Oh,  then the bell rang then I said I gotta go to class then I left to the magic class which is taught by Mr. Williams for today because our teacher caught on fire


I was in line and I grabbed the food and then went to sit down and chill out then Nik sat with his werewolf friends then Lizzie and Josie sat next to me I said what are you doing later guys? Josie said "I'm hanging out with my girlfriend, Finch," Lizzie said "I'm hanging out with my boyfriend, Mg," I said well I'm going to work later then hanging out with my friends from Rome  they're coming to see me because their helping me unpack into my room here then I see Caroline our headmaster and my aunt and the twins mother

 I said hey Caroline she said "hello Bex" I said we were talking about what were doing later on where is uncle Matt she said "he's at work you know  the chief of police work is never done then we laughed hold on let me explain uncle Matt and aunt Caroline moved back to Mystic Falls and so did aunt Bonnie and uncle Enzo  my mom and dad moved back to New Orleans as well as aunt Rebekah and uncle Stefan and uncle Elijah and aunt Katherine to New Orleans we go to this school in Mystic Falls that's why me and Nik drove and hour earlier to be on time because we didn't wanna take the bus 

  The end of the school day 

I was throwing dodge balls at people in Physical Education class then the bell rang so I went to my dorm room today is Friday spring starts tomorrow but anyways in my room is a painting of my whole family at my aunt Freya and aunt Keelin's wedding and a painting my dad made there my room is painted white with a small plant on my black desk that has a matching chair but anyways after I went inside my room I slept for two hours then I got up and called Nik and said are you ready? he said "yea I was just hanging out with Rachel" I said ok then I went outside and got in the car and waited 20 minutes then he came out I drove us home we walked in our mom came down and said "how was you guys day" I said good you Nik he said "good" my dad came in and kissed my fore head then he hugged Nik and I walked upstairs walked into my bedroom closed the door then locked it got on my phone and read this book on Wattpad called New Times 1/2 AN: you guys should check it out love you.  then I went back downstairs I went into the kitchen and grabbed chips out of the pantry 

guys hope you enjoy

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