sex list

421 5 0

Soobin's kinks:

wants to be used as a sex toy
➪ likes to be dominant, but can experiment
➪ uses dirty talk
➪ licking ears
➪ turned on by the sound of sex
➪ likes safe sex

Winter 윈터

~ One nightstand ~

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~ One nightstand ~

☀️ - capricorn
🌙 - pisces
🔝 - aries

Kink - gagging kink

Sexual compatibility: 89%
Dominant: Soobin

Winter's enjoyment - 10/10
Soobin's enjoyment - 10/10
Chemistry - 9/10

Yeonjun 연준

~ drunk one nightstand ~

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~ drunk one nightstand ~

☀️ - virgo
🌙 - libra
🔝 - leo

Kink - domination

Sexual compatibility - 75%

Dominant - Yeonjun

Yeonjun's enjoyment - 5/10
Soobin's enjoyment - 4/10
Chemistry - 7/10

Nancy 낸시

Nancy 낸시

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