It's complicated.

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I saw (y/n) walking down the street making me pull over and cut off her path. I got out of the car and she gave a worried look.
"Ok. This is getting into really fucked up levels, dude!"
"(Y/n) just hear me out....."
"Hear you out?! Your stalking me! Just leave me alone dude!" She told before rushing off.
'Come on!'

I went driving around and found her again and pulled over before getting out of Baby. I could see she was reaching for something making me throw my hands in the air so she saw I had nothing,
"I know you don't want to see me. Trust me after this I'll leave you alone. I just had to tell you I'm sorry." I told making her give me a confused look.
"I'm sorry for all the time's we've argued, I'm sorry for the way your family died, I'm sorry you lost your older sister in a car accident, I'm sorry I told you that my friend was missing when in reality she is you, I'm sorry for making you think I don't love or care for you when I do. I'm just sorry about everything that seems wrong with our relationship.... but in all honesty, not having you in my life is the worst thing ever."
She was silent and I gave a nod, as she held a confused mixed with a shocked one towards me.
"I'm just sorry (y/n). I'll go now, you'll never see me again." I told before heading into Baby.
I began to think of my next plan when the door on the other side opened and she sat in.
"What are you doing?!" I questioned.
"I need to know. How did you know about my sister?! Cause I haven't ever told anyone about that."
"Because you told me."
"I hardly know you and apparently I'm this missing friend. You better tell me the truth or I'll call the cops so fast it'll make your head spin."
"You'll think I'm crazy."
"I already do."
"Things like monsters and things that go bump in the night, they are real. We hunt them. Seems like the latest one was a Djinn."
"Like the genie?"
"Yeah that."
"That doesn't explain how you know that about me."
"You told me. You've told me about your family. Your dad was a hunter, like us, him and your little sister were killed by werewolves. Your mum and brother were killed because a hunter believed they were the ones who killed your dad."
"My family isn't dead."
"Not in this world. But where we know one another that's what's happened. We met on a hunt and ever since then we always ran into one another on jobs."
"And over time.... We've what? Become friends?"
"Yeah something like that." I told making her move in her seat so her back was against the seat as all this information sunk in,
"Yeah.....Now get out of Baby."
"Fuck that!"
"You told me you were sorry that it seemed like I don't know that you love or care for me when you do. What's our relationship?"
"It's complicated."
"I'm in a 1967 Chevy Impala with a weirdo who knows me. I'm sure what ever you say isn't complicated."
"You really want to know?"
"I'm here aren't I?"
"We kinda have a relationship going on. We aren't boyfriend or girlfriend or anything like that. But we are getting there slowly. We both really like one another and have nearly kissed once or twice. Or I'm just a complete dumbass and have been reading things wrong."
"So we're kinda dating but we kinda aren't as well?" She asked to make sure she heard right.
"Yeah something like that."
"Alright. Well let's go kill this son of a bitch."
"No your not coming with me."
"Why? Your trying to protect me?"
"Yes! I'm making sure you don't get hurt."
"And if what you say is true. We are a kinda couple then I'm going with you to make sure you don't die."
"You say you know me, but what you might not know is that I'm stubborn."
"Oh no I know that part." I told once I started baby and began to drive. "Wolfie."
"Did you just call me wolfie?"
"Yeah.... you're meant to call me shorty back."
"Your taller then me." She pointed out.
"Yeah but you call me that."
"That seems really stupid." She stated as she got her seatbelt done up.
"I suppose it is." I agreed.
'This isn't her.'
"So why Wolfie?"
"You got a temper and you don't really like full moons."
"Oh I love them. Don't know why I would hate full moons where you know me."
"I don't know either. But you like the name."
"Probably cause its from you." She told smiling towards me and I gave one back before we headed off.
'This is strange.'

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