To the king

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About 4-5 hours later I woke up. At first I thought that I was in my bed, but then I realized it was too dark to be my bedroom. As I sat up and looked around I felt the chains around my hands and feet realized that I was in a prison cell, but why? Then I started remembering the events of this morning. I remembered being cornered in a street ally, but I couldn't think of what happened next. I got up and looked around, though I still felt pretty light headed. I felt cold and grimy from laying on the damp concrete floor.

The jail cell was small with about just enough room for four people to fit in. It was concrete walls all the way around except for the one side that had metal bars going across and a slide door. I could hardly see anything because of the dim light which was coming from the small barred window in the corner.

Just at that moment, one of the gaurds came around the corner. He looked startled to see me awake and quickly took a couple steps back. I decided to ask him what was going on. " Excuse me sir," I asked quietly. He looked quite afraid. "I would like to know what I am doing here." I said trying to sound firm. However, my shaking legs and pounding head did not help with that. I started walking towards the bars and realized, he was cowering from me. After a minute, he started to run back the way he came. "She's awake" he called. "Wait" I yelled after him sinking to the ground. I wanted to know what was going on. I felt like I was going to faint at any moment. My legs hurt, my head hurt, my feet hurt, in other word, everything hurt.

I was just about to get up again when I heard a squad of soldiers coming around the corner of the hallway to my cell. They opened my cell, and roughly picked me up. "The child is to be brought directly to the king for questioning." The head gaurd told the rest." " Sir, yes sir" all the other gaurds said in unison. My stomach lurched into my throat. The king! King Ubel the third! My mother had told me about how King Ubel hated all magic, and I didn't have my cloak! So I was headed up to see the Evil King Ubel.

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