twin sickness and people being cranky...just a typical day in the Man Cave

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Here is the new chapter guys, it's just a filler chapter until I actually do an episode. So enjoy reading!!


Third Person's POV

It is a long day for Arianna and her sister Bri, the two of them have the twin sickness and they are miserable. They want to leave and go out like everyone else but they have to quarantine in their rooms. But at least on the bright side they can video chat each other and so thats what they are currently doing.

They are watching iCarly because they have nothing to do while everyone is out at the movies and they hope that their dad doesn't lose it with Jasper. Because that won't be a good thing.

But what is new in their world?

Arianna fell asleep while she's having an iCarly marathon with her sister. It's the only show amongst others that they can agree on. So that's what they went with.

They're somewhat having fun, it would be more fun if they could be in the same room together, and actually enjoy it together. Dang you sickness.

That's the only problem about being twins is is sickness.

"Ria did you--" Bri says she turns and she saw her sister sleeping, as she sighs and mutes she show. "Night sleepy."

As a response from a sick twin she scored as a response as Bri chuckles to herself as she unmutes the show and turned down the volume.

2 hours later

Ari and Bri weren't better to say the least they were still miserable and they both wished that there was a cure for this dang thing. All of the medicine and whatnot yeah that didn't do anything at all. None of it worked and yeah now the two of them are sleeping away.

The father and the boyfriend are out on a mission fighting Minyak who escaped prison again. None of them were happy about it but what is new in Swellview these days.

Jade and Sofia got back from Florida as Gabriella took her kids to Disney, so that was fun. They had a blast and rode all of the rides, screamed a time or two, fatten themselves up with food. The typical things you do at Disney.

Oh, and then Jade getting a pet alligator, (from the episode Budget Cuts if I have posted it. I don't remember).

Turns out the Alligator was a girl so she named it Allie. It suits her and their dog Rosco doesn't know what to think of Allie.

At first he didn't know what to think of Allie, but he still isn't used to Allie. One time, Allie ate his piece of chicken and Rosco wasn't happy at all. Allie didn't do anything to him, he just growled at her.

A couple of days later

The twins have gotten better, and that's a good thing as now they can not be quarantined for what feels like ages, and the one thing that Ari misses was Henry's hugs.

He has some dang good hugs and Ari is currently doing that right now. Bri isn't listening to a single thing that her father is saying as per usual.

"So did you guys have fun?" Jasper asks annoying Ari to say the least. She swears what does her sister see in Jasper. That's the real question.

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