Chapter 21

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Ally little secret sanctuary....

My home is a one bedroom, tiny box like flat, that is above the local Indian restaurant so most days it smells like curry, it's located in the middle of the high street so I get to hear all boozed up twats, argue and fight on a Saturday night as they pour out the pubs after last orders - I don't care because it's home, it was once our home.

We picked the wall paper together, we laid the carpet together, every single piece of furniture lovingly chosen together - every room we made our own, every room we made love in as we christened our forever home, this was our first steps into a future together.

For me happiness was not something that came naturally - by nature I'm untrusting, I'm always looking for the catch. In my job I see the worst of society and as much as I love being a police officer after a while it takes a toll on you, it dampens your belief in people.

So when he wandered into my life by chance, on a rare night out for me with my colleagues, my walls were very firmly up.

His boyish grin was the first thing that caught my eye, it was playful like a little imp as he casually leaned in at the crowded bar beside me. My patience was already running thin as I stood at the sweaty, sticky bar being shoved left, right and centre by fellow thirsty customers. Angrily under my breath I snarled at the overworked busy bar staff "Who have I got to fuck to get a drink in here".

His naughty little chuckle instantly turned my cheeks bright crimson, as I realise I wasn't as quiet as I necessarily thought.

"I'd settle for your name and a kiss".

I scoffed "Your not getting neither, you've got as much luck as I have, of getting served in here!"

"Is that so" he replied with a devilish wink, quick as a flash he was up on the bar "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, this lovely lady has informed me if I'm able to get her a drink, she will give me her name and a kiss - admittedly she was offering me more but I'm a gentleman".

The once angry mob that was gunning to be served first, now were all entranced and hypnotised by his boyish charm and showman antics.

"So ladies and gentlemen, I beg of you, please can I get served next, get a drink for my lady friend, so I can get my kiss and possibly a second date".

The crowds start to whoop up a storm, distracted by their thirst and pulled in by their free entertainment.

"Second date.... We've not had a first date" I shout back.

"Ahhh the nights young, my lady" then he cheekily winks at me again, as the once angry mob are roaring into cheers and laughter.

Sure enough he got that drink for me, to which I repaid him with a gentle kiss on the cheek as the packed bar watched on and cheered, we all got swept up in the romantic show that was Jack. From that moment I was tied to him by an invisible thread that linked my heart to his.

Over time, one by one he crumbled the walls that had protected my heart for so many years, leaving me exposed and vulnerable, so I was able to accept his love.

You see to meet Jack was to love Jack, he lived life how most people could only dream of - a truly carefree soul, with an open heart and a smile that could melt the coldest of souls. He treated every person he met like a friend.
He worked tirelessly as a chef , which I thought was fitting as he liked to make people feel happy and what better way than through food, he had big dreams of one day owning his own restaurant. He'd keep me up all night, chattering away like a monkey, telling me his latest brainwave for "our" restaurant, which I always found hilarious as I burnt soup, but I didn't care as I was happy to be part of his dream.

We became each other's person - in good times and bad, we planted seeds of possibility for our futures, that we were sure would grow.

Life was utterly perfect until it wasn't.

At 9:45 on 10th June, near the corner shop, he was killed as he crossed the road - hit and run. He died on impact. The driver didn't stop, he/she fled the scene.

He was everyone's friend but when he needed someone he was all alone.

The light you brought to my life faded, the happiness of the impending future we would share was snatched away. My heart became harder again and the walls went back up.

If I could have used my own powers on myself, to manipulate my brain into forgetting you, I would have. Not because I want to erase you but because it was too damn fucking hard and painful living in this world without you.

But life doesn't always work that way, so instead here I stay in our little home, with our memories, Praying one day, hopefully in the after life we will be reunited again, I will see that smile that can melt my heart - until then I will focus and put all my energy into protecting Miss Toulouse and my sisters, the lost ladies that arrive needing shelter and my job.

It gives me a purpose in this sometimes shitty and unfair life.

It gives me a purpose in this sometimes shitty and unfair life

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