Will of the force

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Agony... Pain, Suffering, these are all things Galen expected to experience upon receiving the full brunt of the force backlash. Strangely however, he felt calm and serene as if he had just woke up from a long slumber. The world he had opened his eyes to was one of pure white with no other beings in sight... no one except him, that is until he heard them and their deep, ominous voices as they reverberated throughout the empty space.

Arise champion of the force... escape the fate that destiny has placed upon you, begin anew and rewrite this galaxy into what it was always meant to be!

Champion of the force? What does that mean? Galen began to question, but as if the beings had read his mind they began to chuckle.

In all our years of observation, all the time we spent studying the force... it has never shown a reaction such as this.

Galen: Reaction? What do you mean?

It's quite simple my dear boy... it spoke to us.

It spoke?! The force is not an entity, it does not have a voice... it is a tool meant to be used and molded as the user wishes.

You think of it as a tool do you?

Galen cringed as his thoughts were read once more.

I didn't mean- he began but was cut off.

It is quite alright young one, the force offers many different paths to travel... For you who has never known different, it has been a tool used only for power and strength but for others, it is a tool of guidance and enlightenment. it is all about perspective you see?

Galen pondered this for a moment before he began to speak.

Galen: You called me champion of the force before but what does that mean? What does the force wish of me?

Ah... forgive us, that is the reason we brought you here is it not? You see, throughout all the millennia the force has constantly chosen beings to represent it's will and desire and time and time again it has failed.

Galen: And what is it's goal exactly?

Simply to bring balance to the force.

Galen: What makes you think I'll be any better than the failures of the past?

My dear boy, you still do not know? It is because in all the years... you and you alone are the only being to ever truly achieve balance.

Galen's face scrunched in confusion as he clearly still  did not understand what the being meant and was going to voice his confusion before the being began to elaborate.

You were born a Jedi then raised a Sith, you lived your whole life a lie until you found the truth through your forgotten past and began to shape your own path using the powers of both without letting one or the other hold power over you. Don't you see? You are balance incarnate!

Galens eyes widened at this revelation as he thought of everything he'd been through before he steeled himself and his heart became resolute in what he was about to do.

Galen: What shall you have me do?

You shall enter the past and write the wrongs of the previous champion and do what you think is best to achieve balance.

Galen widened his eyes once again. The past?! I thought it would restore me to life in the present and allow me to fulfill my destiny by destroying the emperor!

Galen couldn't see the being, but he was sure it was shaking it's head sadly.

I'm sorry... we do not wish to toy with you in such a way, but in order to truly change the balance of the force we must go back to where it started.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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