Everything has a story..

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Everything, and everyone, has a story. Some stories are simple, some more complicated, some are sorrowful, some happy or exciting, but no matter what, everyone, and everything has a story.

This particular story that you're about to read is about a shoe. This shoe sits in the middle of the street, Gainey street, to be exact. This story begins with the owner of the shoe, Sam Winchester...


I walked along Gainey street, trying to find someplace to sit down and study. I had started college around here, and I'm still trying to figure out where everything is. I walk along and come up to a small café, Cobbler's Café. I walk in, the bell signaling my entrance, and find a seat.

"Welcome to Cobbler's Cafe, what would you like?" A bubbly young women asks, looking at her name tag I see her name is Madeline.

"Just a coffee, please."

"I'll be right back."

She walks away and I turn back to my books. She returns with my coffee and I nod in thanks, taking a sip and going back to studying. I hear the bell ring, and a person walk by, but I don't look up.

A few minutes later, it starts to feel like someone's staring at me. I ignore it at first, but when the feeling doesn't go away I look up. I meet eyes with a man who has golden hair and whiskey colored eyes.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

He looked down, "Sorry, it's just I didn't recognize you. Did you move here recently?"

"Yeah actually, I came here for college, my name's Sam, by the way, Sam Winchester." I smiled at him.

"Gabriel Novac," he grinned.

The Story of a Shoe [Sabriel] (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now