Chapter One:Discovery

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Robin sat on his computer flipping through news articles. He came across one that told of a ghostly hero called Danny phantom. After reading the article he considered asking the phantom to join the titans so he saved the article. He continued to look but stopped when he found a page about a group ghost hunters from a small town called amity park. He clicked on it and saw that the group was a family named the Fentons. Below the bold printed name was group photo. Robin then gasped as he saw a familiar face within the group. A teenage boy with raven black hair and sky blue eyes. Robin then remembered where he had seen this boy before, the night his parents had died. He remembered watching as parents leaped from rope to rope on the trapeze. He looked down and saw his young brother Danny who was to young to preform on the ropes. Just before Robin jumped to preform the ropes snapped sending his mother and father to their deaths. He looked and saw a crowd of people rushing to the exit. He had lost Danny in the crowd. Robin then noticed a picture of the hero Danny phantom under the photo as the number one ghost they were trying to catch. It didn't take long for Robin to notice the similarities between the two boys. "So brother I guess we both became heroes" he said with a touch of happiness and relief in his voice. Robin then wondered how his brother had these powers so he researched about half ghosts. He found that in order for a human to acquire ghost powers their DNA must be fused with ectoplasm. "So little brother how'd you get your powers?" He said with wonder in his voice. He decided to find out more so he looked for everything he could find about the Fenton family. He stayed at it all day only coming out for food. He didn't realize how late it was getting until he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to reveal Cyborg who looked annoyed. "Dude do you realize how late it is!" Cyborg said with an annoyed face. Robin rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. "What have you been doing in here all day anyways?" He asked. "I'll tell you in the morning when everyone is there." Robin said with a stern voice. "Ok man and get some rest" Cyborg said as he left the room. Robin then laid on his bed with the memory of his brother still fresh in his mind. He turned over, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. In the morning Robin gathered the titans in the ops room to make an announcement. "Ok Robin what are we doing here?" Raven said in her usual dull voice. Robin clicked a button on the control panel to show a picture of both Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom. "Who is he?" All the titans asked obviously confused. Robin took in a deep breath and said "he's my brother." "What!?!?" All the titans gasped. Robin then explained the whole story. "We're going to find him and bring him home." Robin said determined. "But where are we going to find him?" Starfire wondered. "He lives in a town called amity park." Robin said. "Well then let's get going dudes" beast boy and Cyborg said in unison. Robin nodded and so the titans all loaded in to the T-car and headed off to amity park.

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