Chapter Eighteen: The Final Fight

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Robin walked along the sidewalks along the edge of the city. The cool winter breeze blew against his back. He stopped in front of a building that looked like it had been abandoned for years. The windows were loosely boarded up with wood and there were cracks in the walls. He kicked open the door and saw Slade sitting in a large throne on the other side of the room. "Honestly Robin I expected you sooner." Slade said as he sat up from the throne. "Where's your little ghost pal?" Robin asked as he looked around the dark room. "Oh him, well he was of no more use to me so I, took care of him." Slade said as he gestured to Vlad's lifeless body. Robin felt sick as he looked at the evil ghost's dead body. "But is that really why you came here?" Slade said as he walked up to the boy wonder. "You're going to pay for what you did Slade!" Robin said as he took out his staff. Slade laughed slightly as he pulled out his own staff. Robin took a battle stance as Slade continued to walk towards him. Slade slammed his fist in to Robin's side causing him to topple over. Slade kicked him in the the stomach which made grab his stomach in pain. Robin struggled to stand but Slade pushed him down and stepped on his back. Slade grabbed his hair and lifted up his head so he was looking directly in to his eyes. "Ready to join your pathetic little brother in the after life." Slade said as he smirked. Hearing this gave Robin enough strength to push Slade off him. "You're one terrible assassin Slade because my brother is still alive but you won't live to ever hurt him again!" Robin shouted as he pounced on his enemy. Slade growled as he threw the boy off him. Slade took out his staff and attempted to hit Robin in the head but he blocked the attack with his own silver staff. Robin smirked as he kicked Slade in the chest. Slade fell to the ground holding his chest in pain. Robin attempted to kick him once more but Slade grabbed his foot and threw him to the ground. Robin stood up on wobbly legs. He whipped out his staff and charged at Slade. Slade grabbed his own staff and blocked Robin's attacks. Robin kicked Slade sending him in to the wall. The wall cracked when his body made contact. Robin ran up and kicked Slade in the face. A large crack spread across his mask. A small smirk formed on Robin's lips. Slade's eyes narrowed as he began to try to stand up. Robin kicked him in side causing to fall back to the ground. "Get ready to pay for your crimes Slade!" Robin shouted. Slade growled as Robin approached him. Robin put one foot on Slade's chest. "Your rain of terror is over!" Robin yelled as he took out a small dagger. He paused for a moment remembering that he had taken an oath to never kill. But Slade had gone to far. He had almost murdered the the last piece of family he had left. He had tried to turn his brother in to his apprentice as well. Robin raised the dagger above his head. He hesitated before bringing it down. He plunged the dagger through Slade's chest. Robin stepped off the man slowly. Slade grabbed his chest in pain. Red blood seeped out of the wound and dripped on to the cement floor. He was breathing heavily. He took one last gasp for air before his body fell lifeless on to the ground. Robin let out the breath he had been holding in. Though it was painful to watch he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as his most hated enemy died. He slowly backed away from Slade's body and walked out of the building. He took one last look at the old broken building before turning around and walking back to the tower.

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