Chapter 1

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Meet Mac

3 years earlier 

"So do you think something could happen?" Mac is putting some clothes away in her closet "I mean you've had a crush on this guy for like 3 years and nothing's happened. Maybe you should give it up."

She's right. I'm entering my junior year this fall and he's a senior. I should give this thing up.

"As much as it hurts you're right. It's just so hard. Besides who could fall for me? Clearly not him." I sit cross legged on her bed and she comes to sit next to me. 

"Alex stop saying things like that. You are smart, pretty, and an awesome friend! Someone at some point is bound to like you. You'll see." I just nod and fiddle with my hands.

That's the thing about Mac. She is the happiest person I know and she always has a positive attitude towards everything. I love that she's so blunt and honest. Mac always has this confidence in her. It's so easy for her to radiate it and make it contagious.

She is beautiful as well. Her curly brown hair with a touch of blonde at the ends and her big brown long-lashed eyes make her the easiest target for boys. She's the boy magnet.

I find that my relationship with Mac over the years has become closer. She's like my little sister. She's only a year younger than me. We met the summer of 2009 and since then we're inseparable. We do everything together. Everything. Our friendship has reached that level where we just wear each others underwear and keep it.

"What do you think will change this year?" Mac says.

"I don't know, but we better make this summer one to remember. Although the only plans I have are going to practice and sleep." I continue. "This summer will be crap. I can feel it."

"Absolutely not. We'll go to the beach and we'll make it the best!" There's that positiveness of hers.

We stay in her room for a few more hours just watching Disney movies and talking. Mainly me listening to her talking about her boyfriend problems. They seem to be getting worse and even though she's just fourteen they sound pretty serious. I wouldn't know anything relationship wise, but I'm always here for her and I try to give her my best advice. Soon we hear a honk from a car. I get up from the bed and peek through the window to check who it is.

"Oh its my mom. She's come to pick me up for practice." I start grabbing my things from all over and stuffing them into my bag. "Do you really have to go?" Mac sounds disappointed. We wont see each other in like two weeks so its precious time we loose from our unforgettable summer.

"You know what? You should come. You'll love it! Everyone is so friendly. Even though I keep quiet, they are all very nice to me." I've been trying to get her back to cheer leading, but she doesn't listen to me.

"I don't know Alex. I don't think cheering is my thing anymore." This relationship is sucking the fun side out of her and its worrying me. She used to love cheering. She used to love going to practice. Now she just feels like a dead corpse walking among the living. I feel bad for her.

"Okay how about you come to one practice, just one, and after that I'll stop harassing you about it. How does that sound?" I try to negotiate. Something has to work. "Fine. Just one." As Mac agrees I hear my mom honking again.

"Yeah you better hurry and get changed or we'll be late." I throw some clothes at her so she can change. I start leaving the room down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Gemma, Mac's mom, serving herself a glass of iced tea. "Oh honey your mom's outside." She's like my second mom. "Yeah I know. Hey, is it okay if Mac comes with me to practice today? She can stay at my place so you don't have to pick her up." I ask, but I already know she's going to say yes. "Oh yes of course! I have no problem what so ever. Please get her to do something or she'll be bored her the entire summer."

"Will do! Thanks."- Mac runs down the stairs and pulls me by the hand.- "See ya!" I yell out the door.

"Bye mom! Love you!" Mac yells as she slams the door.

"Well let's get this show on the road." Said Mac. I know she's putting up a brave front like she doesn't want this, but I know her, deep inside she really wants this. "Shot-gun" Mac yells and runs towards the car.

Mom drives a gray Ford family car and this always happens. Even though it's my car, she ALWAYS sits in the passengers seat next to my mom. I hope she likes the team. I'm not the best at making friends and I could really use her help to make friends.

As I expect Mac makes friends instantly. Everyone is persuading her to come to practice next week. I hope she does. This way I wont be so alone. After practice my mom picked us up and got us home.


"Let's do something tomorrow. Summer is going by way too fast." Mac makes herself comfortable in my bed with a tub of ice cream in her hands. "Mac can you calm down for one second," I laugh at her "summer just started."

I sit next to her on my bed and start watching a movie.

"Besides all my other friends are out for the summer. Kaia is in Texas, Athena took a road trip with her family and Lea is at her grandmother's house for the rest of the month so we wouldn't have people to hang out with."

"What about Matt? He is available all summer. Maybe he can take us somewhere." Mac offers.

Matt is Mac's older cousin. He's around my age, tall, great brown hair and piercing brown eyes. I've always been kind of intimidated by him. He's a cool kid. I've never really talked to him much. Just one summer when Mac's family and mine went on a vacation together, other than that we are basically strangers.

"Earth to Alex!" Mac snaps her fingers at me grabbing my attention.

"Oh I see, you have a thing for Matt..." What the hell?

"What? No! Mac I don't know the guy let a lone like him. He's not even interesting."

Mac starts to laugh. "Calm down girl I was just messing with you."

"Let's just stay here and chill for the day. Okay?" I suggest. I'm really not in the mood to go out tomorrow.

"Okay" She finally agrees and we return to the movie.

An hour into the movie and I'm not even focused on it and I start dazing off into deep sleep.

"Alex..." Mac whispers

"Mmm" I can hear her, but it's such a distant sound I'm not sure whether it's really happening or if it's just a dream.

"I wish we could really be sisters."

I try my best to answer a coherent thought. "We are Mac, we are sisters."

"You know what I mean. If only I had a brother so you could marry him, then we'd actually be sisters." the shuffling in the bed tells me Mac is sitting up "Sadly I don't..."

"All you have is a cousin. One I don't particularly find interesting and we've established he's not my type." I sit up next to Mac. All the sleep I had is gone now.

"I know. It doesn't matter if you marry my cousin or my non-existent brother I don't want you to forget about me when you leave." She leans her head on my shoulder.

"Mac? Who said I'm leaving? I'll always be here for you." I hug her. 

She can be so fragile sometimes. "I love you and no matter where I am I'll always be there with you."

Mac starts crying. She's my little sister and she needs my protection.

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