kook academy

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-Kiara walked into the Kook Academy palms sweaty, breathing heavily. She felt as if everyone was judging her. She heard someone say "why is she here? Isn't she a pogue."

Kiara ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Breathing heavily she turned around and went back to the hallway heading to class. She was late. So when she busted into her classroom everyone was staring at her. She cursed herself and sat down beside a blonde girl. She had seen her before but couldn't put her finger on where.

After the first class. Kiara was walking in the hallway which was crowded with students. Someone hit her with a paper ball. She turned and looked at them confused. She then grabbed the ball that hit her off the floor and read it. "Go back to the cut pogue." Her eyes pricked with tears. She hated being the center of attention.

Kiara missed middle school when the kooks and pogues all went to the same school. Then she could talk to Jj, John B, and Pope. Her best friends.

See kooks and pogues go to the same elementary school, middle school but not she same high school. When you reach High School. All kooks must transfer to the Kook Academy. Which Kiara hated.

While heading to her last class of the day knowing she skipped 2 classes crying in the bathroom. She walked in and took a seat she pretty much ignored everything the teacher was saying until he called on her.

"Kiara do you know the answer?"

"I- uh- um it's uh-" Kiara stuttered out.

"See me after class miss Carrera." The teacher said sternly. Continuing on to teach.

After class ended she walked up to the teacher nervously. And asked "Did you need me for something..?"

"Yes, I see that you don't want to pay attention in my class. Is that correct cause I saw you daydreaming over there and it's very disrespectful I think to ignore me."

"Oh- I'm sorry it's my first day here well not here I am a kook but I don't really like I don't um I'm sorry." She nervously muttered out.

"Don't let it happen again." He annoyingly said

After that awkward interaction she walked out of school and got on her bike to head home but before she could she was stopped by a sudden girly voice.

"Hi are you Kiara?"

"Uh depends." Kiara said

The girl giggles. "I'm Sarah we are in the same class and I've seen you around town and you seem like a cool person I was wondering if maybe you wanna go to this thing the schools doing to save baby turtles?"

"Wait with you? You want me to go with you.." Kiara asked.

"Uh yea is that okay?"

"Yea! Sure I'm here's my phone number!"

Kiara gives Sarah her phone number and walks back to her bike and goes off.

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