a change today

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(from Skara pov)

I wasn't sure about this Boscha had said this would be just harmless fun messing around with Willows stuff in the plant coven room. But when I had gotten there Boscha had started to throw pots on the ground of Willows plants laughing as each pot broke and cracked I wasn't able to move not cause this wasn't something Boscha hadn't done before. no this felt more personal she had gotten more aggressive after losing the grugby match and now was targeting Willow with harsher words and worse pranks. But now I felt this was to far I felt sick to my stomach and couldn't think about why she was doing this besides out of cruel spite for the one thing Willow loved and I didn't know what to do so I slowly backed away and ran to hide.

as I ran though the halls my mind was rushing to think of something anything to why Boscha was doing what she did but nothing came to my mind as I went and hid in a stall in the bathroom panicking for what seemed like a hours cause I didn't know what to do until I heard her voice come into the bathroom crying softly. As the plant witch cried I slowly opened my door to look at her "Willow ?" this startled her as she saw me coming out of the bathroom but then got defensive "oh hey Skara how was breaking my plants ?" she said in a sad but defensive voice "I- I didn't destroy your plants" I said this in a somewhat shakey voice "it was Boscha" Willow sighed and said "but you cheered her on didn't you ?" I shook my head "I didn't I couldn't even move when I saw her breaking your plants cause it seemed more personal now and felt-" "its always been personal Skara" Willow interjected "you just never saw or cared" as I heard this it hit me in the gut and I felt my stomach have a sinking feeling cause I knew it was true "but I wasn't trying to-" "just please stop Skara" Willow interrupted again but sounding sad this time "you done enough for one day so please leave me be" I stood there for what felt like years before I said "your right I am sorry" which took willow bye surprise "what do you mean your sorry ?" Willow asked her voice holding no malice "I should have stopped Boscha from breaking your plants but didn't" I felt a lump in my throat begin to form "I am sorry for what she did". Willow stood there for a bit before speaking "well at least your apologizing but I should go" willow started to leave before stopping again and saying "thank you Skara" and then she continued on walking out of the bathroom leaving me there to think about her words.

The day went like a blur after that it was hard to pay attention to classes while Willows words rang in my ear. in contrast the evening walking home was drawn out as I watched the sunset as I walked to my manor nestled in the merchant sector on bones burrow repeating "well at least your apologizing" in my head as I walked inside my front door "what does she mean by that ?" I asked myself heading upstairs and into my room laying my stuff down and falling onto my bed. I kept contemplating this for the rest of the night until I started to drift asleep thinking of a new idea to maybe bring new pots for willow in the next day of school or to at least help her.

(oh boy so thats the end of the chapter thank you for reading this i hope to post every week or so and lets hope that the skarlow brain rot continues )

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