the first and last part of this god awful thing

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What was it that brought them together, to be united in this perfect love?

They had known each other since they were children. They had spent time together so often that, despite all differences, others often mistook them as siblings. However, it was not until recently that they had recognized their feelings for each other. From then on, they were inseparable. They shared every part of their life with each other. That was how it was to this very day.

Yes. She often reflected upon that day with fondness. It was a day that had changed her life, after all.

Zero, a seraphic person,stood alone on the beach, gazing over the cobalt water with there sincere starless globes. there charcoal hair danced lightly in the ocean breeze, tickling against one cheek as they smiled to himself with anticipation as they traced a finger along their gold necklace. they wore a lily-white shirt that left there ivory arms bare and jade shorts that looked comfortable and easy to wear. their sable coiffure brushed against their shoulders, complementing their spotless lily-white visage. For a moment, they absorbed themselves in these thoughts, of them, and MikkMikk. Zero's pitch-dark spheres spotted MikkMikk further down on the beach, closer to the roaring sea. Her lovely mane rippled behind her in a starless wave. Her globes were turned toward the ocean, hidden from Zero's sight, but they knew and loved their sweet cinnamon hue. She was dressed in her usual everyday clothes. Her skin was light brown and her form was slight. As Zero drew nearer, they caught a note of MikkMikk's familiar perfume: a sweet, rich lavender. they smiled to themselves. It always reminded them of the time they shared. "mikks vapore rub!," she called, walking towards them.

She jumped a bit before turning around, smiling shyly. "Oh, Zero! I-It's nice to see you."

"It's good to see you again," Zero said, taking her hand. "Have I kept you waiting?"

"Not at all," she murmured. They began their leisurely walk along the ocean's edge.

To their surprise, MikkMikk was the first to speak. "I-I've never really... had anything like this." She clung a little tighter to Zero's warm hand, resting her head against Zero's slender arm.

"Never?" they asked.

"Oh, never," she said breathlessly. "You are my first true love."

"I love you too."

They strolled together for a few moments, the beautiful clear cerulean sky decorated with only a few hints of loamy clouds. The sun struck MikkMikk's mane and lit dazzling highlights of gold in starless.

Zero looked at her admiringly. "You're beautiful," they told her. MikkMikk blushed.

"W-Why do you say that...?" she stuttered, still recovering from Zero's compliment.

"Because it's the truth." Zero placed their hand around MikkMikk, drawing her nearer. "Not only that," they continued. "You're talented as well. We couldn't have saved the world without you."

"I caused a lot of trouble for you," she mumbled. "You were really the one who did all those amazing things. And you're so strong..." Her eyes wandered over Zero's face, her sincere depths, her atramentaceous strands

"We've both come a long way since then. I've gained the strength to protect you, like I said I would."

"As long as you're by my side," she whispered, letting Zero draw them into an embrace, "nothing bad will happen to me."

"Oh, Zero... I love you so much," she whispered, her hand seeking out Zero's larger ones.

As they walked, they came across a part of the sea that looked darker than the rest.

"What's that?" MikkMikk asked.

"The locals say the lair of a sea monster lies in that ravine," Zero said. Just as they finished talking, a roar pierced the air. "Watch out!"

The navy waves swelled and surged, and Zero ran up the sea shore with MikkMikk's hand in theirs. From the frothing pearly foam emerged the head of a giant eel, which let out a screech that rent the sky. It bared its glinting sharp canines at them.

"Do you think it wants to... eat... us?" MikkMikk whispered.

"It's not going to eat us!" Zero said firmly. Ever prepared, they whipped out their weapon. "Go! I'll protect you. I'll make sure of it!" "Wait! Zero! I... I want to help!" MikkMikk, too, was prepared.

"MikkMikk..." Zero started to say, but there was no time to argue -- the eel lunged for them, and they jumped away, the eel's teeth burying itself in the sand. Then they launched a counter-strike: Zero struck a blow first, along the beast's back, and then MikkMikk second, along the eel's exposed underside. The monster roared in outrage before slipping back into the sea.

Panting for breath, Zero asked, "Are you hurt?"

MikkMikk shook her head. "I'm fine."

"That was more trouble than I bargained for." Zero offered MikkMikk Their hand. "Stick tight. You never know what else might spring out of the sea."

MikkMikk clung their hand as the radiant fermented sunset began to fill the sky.

"The sunset is so beautiful, isn't it?"

Zero lifted their head at MikkMikk's words to behold the dying sun's fiery radiance. "It's nice."

After a moment of silence, MikkMikk said quietly and seriously, "Zero,you and me... do you think this is what they call destiny?"

Zero clasped MikkMikk's soft hand and murmured in response, "A love this true must be fated to be."

"Zero...Let's be together forever." MikkMikk squeezed Zero's hand and sidled closer.

Zero sighed with contentment and brought MikkMikk closer. They gazed at the beautiful caramel rays of the falling sun, thinking about everything that had transpired on this day and all that would pass between them.

"I love you, MikkMikk."

"I love you too, Zero."


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