| Chapter eleven: the start of something|

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*Still in Justins pov*

Abigail went crashing into the water, you could hear the sound that her body made while she landed hard on the water's surface. The boat slowed down and I let go of the tube and began swimming over to her as fast as I could. She was lying face down in the water not moving.


It was hard to swim while dragging her through the water but I tried as best as I could, the boat circled around us and everyone helped to drag her in in the boat; I lifted myself up after her and knelt down next to her. Kenny knew CPR so he checked to see if she was breathing, luckily she was. He flipped her over onto her side so she didn't choke on any water that was left in her mouth. The next few minutes were the slowest minutes of my life, we all just waited and watched to see what happened. Panic was plastered over everyone's faces, especially Sydney. She was sobbing next to Chaz we he tried to comfort her.

*back to Abigail*

My head was pounding; my stomach felt like it was just kicked in by an elephant. I started choking on water that was in my mouth. Someone was rubbing my back as I was coughing up all the water; I opened my eyes slightly and saw everyone's relieved faces staring down at me. Sydney pushed through everyone and knelt down at my side.

"I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried. Don't ever scare me like that again. I mean it"

"Why were you worried, you know I'm tough, a little fall like that won't hurt me"

She laughed at me and bent down to hug me. I felt like everyone was watching me so I hopped off the ground and stood up, we were still on the water so the boat was swaying back and forth making it even harder for me to stand up. My knees went weak and I stumbled nearly falling over but someone caught me. I turned around and Justin was looking down at me, panic was still in his eyes, I could tell by the way he looked at me.

"Justin I'm fine, I told you the first time I that I met you I was clumsy"

"That wasn't you being clumsy though, that was a really bad fall"

He helped me to the seat that went across the back of the boat. The boat began moving again and everyone seemed to return back to normal.

"I was so worried you weren't going to wake up, you were out for about 5 minutes"

"Justin I really am fine now, I'm used to worse things than that. But thank you for caring"

"I'm just making sure because I care about you Abigail"

He pulled me in closer and wrapped a towel around my shoulders. His touch sent an electric shiver down my body.

The sun was beginning to set when we went back on to the beach, a bonfire was lit up and everyone was sitting around it. It looks like something you would find when you go to summer camp, everyone was sitting around the bonfire laughing and playing music. Sydney and Chaz were cuddled up in a corner, it looked like they were making out but it was a weird angle so I couldn't really tell but I'm sure she would tell me tomorrow what happened.

Me and Justin were sitting next to each other, I had his top on and my bikini bottoms on, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer into him and whispered in my ear.

"Let's go for a walk, I want to show you something"

He took my hand and grabbed the guitar and we walked down the beach hand in hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Just for a walk, I have a surprise for you"

We walked in silence for about a minute or two than we stopped and he sat me down opposite to him.

"I just wanted to take you away from everyone else because I wrote you a song and I wanted you to be the first to hear it"

"You wrote me a song? Justin you didn't have to do that"

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to"

He picked up the guiter and starting strumming the cords

If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face

Baby I would, baby I would

If I could make a better way, so you could see a better day

Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Paint a doorway to the sky and hand you the keys yeah

Let you know that you're always welcomed so that you never leave ohh

Buy you all those fancy things that you only see on TV, yeah

Run away, to our hideaway, we be living the American dream

And I, know it's never gonna be that easy

But I know that it won't hurt us to try oh

If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face

Baby I would, baby I would

If I could make a better way, so you could see a better day

Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh

Baby I would

To the love forever wide, so that it never runs dry yeah

Anytime you ask me why I'm smiling, say that I'm satisfied

You got your flaws and so do I, past lovers that made you cry

And though I wanna make it right

I just can't read your mind oh

And I, know it's never gonna be that easy

But I know that it won't hurt us to try oh

If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face

Baby I would, baby I would

If I could make a better way, so you could see a better day

Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh

Baby I would

Yeah it's not about what I want

It's all about what you need

I know that he hurt you, but that wasn't me

And I know, and I know sometimes it's hard to see

That all we need to be

If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face

Baby I would, baby I would

If I could make a better way, so you could see a better day oh

Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh

Baby I would

The melody of the guitar slowed down as Justin finished off the song.

I was so overwhelmed with what just happened, no one has ever done anything that nice for me before. He played the song with such emotion, it was so just beautiful. I wasn't sure how to respond to something like that. I leant over and kissed him softly and slowly on the lips. After a few seconds I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

"Thank you so much Justin, I loved it"

I knew how I felt for him now. I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep, slowly than all at once. I knew this was the right time to tell him, he was the right person to tell.

"Justin I have to tell you something"

"You can tell me anything"

He grabbed my hand and closed his around mine.

"I am...."


He may be the right person, but it wasn't the right time.

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