𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑂𝑛𝑒 - 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒

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3rd Person POV

    "Y/N!" Y/N's mother called out as she flipped another pancake over. "Breakfast is ready, and you're late!" Y/N searched through her sock drawer looking for another one to match the sock already on her foot. In her rush she grabbed a white sock that came up to her ankle. Not matching with the black sock she had on her other foot.
    "Coming!.. Ah Shit." She responded as she tripped over her clothes on the floor. She ran down the stairs, each step making a loud and fast thump.
    "Robaire and his security guard are outside waiting, grab your pancake and go." Her mother said slightly annoyed with her daughter's delay again this week. Y/N was childhood friends with music idol Robaire, from the boy band 4Town. They've been friends since they were 9 and 10. Y/N was always allowed to go to his and his band's concerts for free since their families were so close. They carpooled together to dance practice. She hopped in the back seat with Robaire. She had her mother's pancake in her hand. She took a bite,
    "Hey, sorry I'm late.. again." She said, smiling at him. He smiled back. God, was he dreamy. His smile and personality was everything to Y/N, she wished he felt the same. Robaire laughed a bit,
    "It's alright Y/N," He turned towards his security guard, "we can go now." Y/N felt her face flush. Robaire was so charming, she noticed his clothes. He looked so handsome in his outfit. While Y/N just had a hoodie and pants on, along with jewelry and makeup. She felt a little insecure, how could he like such a girl like her? He was so out of her league. Of course she got along with people, but she wasn't necessarily popular or recognizable like him. But he was practically the star of the music industry. Handsome, and sociable.
    Y/N's thoughts were interrupted by Robaire's voice,
"You're coming to the show with us next week right?" He looked at her, smiling still. She couldn't fight back her smile from slowly appearing on her face. His smile was so contagious.
    "As always." She grinned more smug-like.

    Once they arrived at the dance facility, Y/N swung her duffle bag over her shoulder. It was filled with her dance clothes and other essentials. She stepped out of the car and shut the door. Robaire, on the opposite side, got out also and stepped beside her. He looked at her, "Good luck Y/N," he said with a soft smile while speed-walking away.
"Good luck.." she mumbled watching him walk away. She felt bad for making him somewhat late, again. She waved at his security guard and walked in the doors.

Time Skip

    Y/N put her headphones in her ears, zipping up her duffle bag. "Bye everyone!" she shouted as all her dance team members walked out the door. They shouted bye back, leaving her alone in the room. The whole team had to work harder than before because the team had made it to state! Y/N was exhausted and stressed, knowing the competition was upcoming this Saturday. She grabbed her duffle bag and headed out the door and sat on the bench outside waiting for Robaire. Robaire's dance practice was longer than hers but she didn't mind. I mean, he had to perform in front of thousands of people and had to be perfectly coordinated with his teammates. The bench seat was hot from the sun, yet she still sat without worry. Y/N usually waited inside so that Robaire's friends didn't see her. (And the weather was usually shitty.) Though today she was out of it. She was so stressed she didn't even realize that the whole band could see her waiting.
    Y/N's volume in her headphones were so loud to the point she couldn't realize Robaire and his band stepped outside. They were babbling until they realized a gorgeous girl listening to music and scrolling on her phone.
"Awooga, who is that!?" Aaron T. shouted with heart eyes staring in her direction. The band's heads practically snapped in your direction. Tae Young's eyes widened,
    "How cute!!" he smiled happily. Aaron Z. and Jesse were speechless, while Robaire was lost for words. His whole band was all googly eyes for his friend?
    "Uh, thats-" before Robaire could finish Aaron T. was already at your side. He sat down without knowing how hot the bench was.
    "OW- I- I mean, hey," Aaron ungracefully said while jumping up from his seat. Y/N started to laugh.
    "HAHAHA  ARE.. YOU OKAY," she could barely speak from her laughter. She pulled a headphone out from her ear and got a good look at him. She finally realized it was Aaron T!!
    "Oh! oh! oh, yeaahh. I'm perfect, because you're here." Aaron flirted, trying to play off his embarrassing moment before.
    The whole band came up behind Aaron, staring with jealousy. Even.. Robaire? Y/N noticed that even Robaire looked angry with him! Y/N was flustered by all the attractive men surrounding her, she was so off-guard.
    "Robaire.. what's going on?" Y/N squeaked nervously.
Everyone looked at Robaire. How did Robaire know this beauty!?
    "You guys. This is my friend Y/N. We've been friends since elementary." He said while walking to your side. He put his hand on her shoulder, making her blush.
    "Yeah.. Hi.." Y/N smiled, cheeks red.
    "Hi Y/N!" Tae Young said, grabbing your hands pulling you up from your seat. "Do you like animals?" He stared at you with ambition.
    "Of course I do." Y/N said, still smiling but kind of stunned.
    "Great! we should be friends," He said looking at your phone. "Want my number?" He said innocently, but the band knew what he was doing. Y/N nodded unknowingly and handed him her phone. The band looked angrily at Tae, but he smiled back at them pridefully. "Okay, my names 'Tae <3' okay!?" He said eagerly.
    "Got it," Y/N said while looking at the rest of the band's angry faces. "Uhh do you guys wanna be friends too?"
Their faces suddenly changed while nodding. You all exchanged numbers.
    After talking to the band for a while you realized that Robaire was gone and already in the car.
"Ah shit guys I got distracted I have to go.." you said while staring at Robaire. He was in the car looking forward, no emotion.
    "Aw okay we'll see you Y/N!" Tae shouted as you walked away.
    "Bye!!" Aaron T. waved at you.
    "See you," Aaron Z. said more bashfully. Jesse smiled at you and waved you goodbye. You shut the car door and waved at them while you drove away. Still in shock the most popular boy band all wanted your number. Though, Robaire was quiet in the car. Y/N turned over to him.

𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑 -
1163 words!!
this is my first fanfic so don't judge 😭😭!!Pleaseeee give me feedback if you enjoy it so far. Chapter two will probably be out soon.

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