3. Not the Enemy

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I could say for the most part the day seemed pretty average, we all did our usual training in the earlier hours and coursed off into the afternoon doing what usually was interested. Raph was always found practicing on the punching bags, venting some form of anger or you could find him in his room, sulking or lifting weights with some idea or thought driving him. Mikey in front of the tv, procrastinating from any jobs, chores or training he had to do, not that I’m irritated at him or anything… I have to hand it to him with his care free life style and always doing what his heart wants. As reckless as it can be. And then there’s Donnie, always in his lab, living off coffee and researching till he passes out as his computer, at least he’s happy. I guess that just leaves it with me, The Leader in Blue. I’m as guilty as my brothers I have to admit, there’s two places you can always find me, in the dojo training or mediating, or with one of my brothers, whether it’s helping or fighting with Raph, Watching space heroes with Mikey, or doing what I can to assist Donnie. Today in particular I was meditating.
Sitting alone in the dojo trying to currently clear my mind, the silence should be helping me but for some reason I just can’t focus.
“Common… breathe and empty your thoughts” I stated calmly without opening my eyes.
I’d lost track of time, I’ve been sitting here with my legs crossed and arms positioned for who knows how long, just trying to get to a certain peace. As the teams leader I need to be able to clear my emotions. But i… I just can’t today.
I let out a sigh and rubbed my face, standing slowly to stretch my stiff body. I wouldn’t be able to mediate today, sometimes I just can’t. I think too much about everything and I can’t clear my thoughts or something happens beforehand that distracts me and in an end result, it makes it difficult to meditate. Today in particular?
I had another fight with my brother Raph.
During training I defeated him in a fight as pure usual and we had our toss of words like we usually do about my being the Teams leader, normally we end up shrugging it off.
Or even sometimes Master splinter interferes and it turns into some form off path of resolve and discovery for Raphael and how to control his outrageous temper.
But it’s becoming more and more frequent, and it’s not the words he throws at me, it barely bothers me anymore and I know he never means it… But. Enough is enough, how many times do you have to tell someone… that… well. Anyway it’s not that I’m mad at him. I think I’m more worried, the path he’s heading down, all this fighting and yelling, I’m worried I’m losing my brother.
And that’s what’s been flooding my thoughts.
It’s why I can’t concentrate.
I love him believe me… maybe I’m just over analysing who knows.

I let out another sigh as I pushed open the Dojo doors, making my way to the lounge to see what Mikey was up to, he’s always so positive and normally when I’m down like this he really helps out, maybe I depend on my little brother a lot more than I realize, his personality is a good stress relief and I have to admit, even if he is a bit… lost? Yeah lost is a word for him, well even so, I’d be lost myself without him.

I wandered over to the couch and swung my legs over to land myself nicely  in a lying position across the couch, I brought my arms to cross behind my neck as I let out a small breathe of relief, as per usual, there was mikey, sprawled across the floor, and reading a comic book…. Upside down.

“Yo Leo why the long face? We’re turtles not horses” mikey asked sitting up suddenly and looking at me wide eyed with his cheeky grin.

“Raphs temper again” I looked at him with one eye and a sarcastic smile.

“Again? If I had a pizza for everytime Raphie loses his temper… well id haveeeee” Mikey stared down at his fingers a look of determination passed his face as he tried to work out the sum.

“HOLD UP!” he yelled quickly standing up and sprinting away. “ILL GO ASK DONNIE HE’LL KNOW”

I let out a small laugh and followed after my strange orange masked little brother with a pleasant grin across my face, slightly laughing at myself for sending him off to bother Donnie when I know sometimes Mikey can really annoy him.

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