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"Do I go?" Justin asked his father

"We're going to find out here in a minute." His father kept a relaxed tone, ensuring there might be an exit far from them

"What if the car explodes?!"

"Well, we're dead then." Reasonable, truly a reasonable response from an optimist

The two drove steadily through the engulfed forest, preparing for the worst to happen with their lives and vehicle. It was too sudden for the news to burst out in emergency response, since both parties were hoping for a nice, simple, relaxing trip farther into the forest before it came crashing in symbol of light. The further both travel, one becomes anxious and starts thinking irrationally that could get someone killed. As for the other remained calmed and collected, praying they'll both safely exit the perimeter before any harm can be done.

"Dad, the fire is getting dangerous!"

"It'll be fine. It'll be fine. Just safely follow this trail and we'll both make it out alive. No need to overreact."

He's right. When in danger: calm and intense focus is needed to address the situation beforehand. Without these rules, mankind would've perished ages ago and become a lost memory. Although, the fire soon started to aggravate itself with the surrounding of dead sticks and trees, filling up the air with intoxicated fumes a person would have trouble breathing in. Best to avoid any situations like that by covering your nose or wearing a gas mask to cleanse the air when breathing. But since the car has no air filters, it struck their noses with heavy fumes of hot air. Suffocating, they were. His father told him to drive faster out of the woods but to be careful as well, never know when a tree might cause a timber on their only exit.

"Dad, I'm scared! I can't breathe!" Panicking, his heartbeat reacted to the pressure of fear and anxiety

"No need to be scared. Look, we're almost out. We're almost out."

Almost out. Know what you'll say before jinxing yourself into a predicament act. A tree, engulfed by the terrifying flames of nature suddenly knocked over onto their only exit. Shaken by it, Justin's panic attack worsened and will continue to grow if they sat there to their demise.

"Dad, dad! What the hell is that?!" A peculiar silhouette stood far in the forest fire, what seemed to be tall as a building with a head shaped unique to the human world, a tail unfathomable to any animals in the animal kingdom, and what one might call it a predator to both humankind and animal kingdom. It spread both its... something... Justin compared it to a bird, a big one at that but with it standing on its four legs, what phenomenon occured for its wings to be separated from birds? "Holy shit! Dad!"

"Oh boy. I figured it's best to run, my boy." The best solution... or the worst depending how it affects them

Justin glanced back to it, then it soon catches on to see both insects escaping their predator and a useless attempt at that. The sound the creature made was some poisonous blast as if from the fiery abyss, a roar so threateningly and powerful to display intimidation on foes daring to challenge it. Of course, it saw it that way.

"Dad! It's gaining on us!!" Justin and his father both picked up speed to escape the grasp of this newfound creature on Earth, an unrecognizable creature "fuck.... fuck!! Dad, that's a fucking dragon!!"

Dragons: mysterious creatures of the abyss, reptile-like legendary creature that appears in the folklore of many cultures worldwide. Beliefs about dragons vary considerably through regions, but dragons in western cultures since the High Middle Ages have often been depicted as winged, horned, four-legged, and capable of breathing fire. And it somehow landed on Earth, a sacred planet for everyone alike who don't threaten anyone. In their spite of struggle, Justin's old man tripped on a exposing root of a tree. With this catching his attention, he ran back to save his old man for giving an everlasting love since the day his mother died, and will return the many favors he's done for his boy. What love can do to a person. However, since Justin also wasted energy by pointlessly running away from a creature proven to fly faster and run faster than a human can, he is not able to carry his father and ultimately failed by doing so. Well... this is it for them. These last 25 years of their life is coming to an end, and not in a good way. No one wants to tragically die in a incident; accident or intentional. Most people would rather die peacefully in their sleep. So, to compensate, both family members held together for the last moment of their life, recalling those precious memories his father and him shared by catching the first fish to their last camping trip. The dragon opened its wide jaws, showing countless teeth sharpened to the brim where it could even cut the toughest material on Earth. Both awaited for their fate...


A sudden explosion, creating a gust of winds capable of extinguishing the flames of the forests as well as a tiny earthquake. Although it wasn't to the extreme where a warning can occur, but it definitely left the ground spooked by this impact.

"Um... excuse me." A human voice, another one, called out for the two "did... did I scare you?"

".... huh.... what.... how?"

"Sorry. Seems like I did. Anyways, can you tell me where I am?" He asked, a weird one at that. How could he not know he's in the state of California?

"Uh... California?" Justin replied hesitantly and in confusion

"On earth, right?"

"Y... yeah..."

"..... I'm back.... after so long.... um - uh - where is the nearest town or city!?" His excitement overruled their fear about the dragon

"Don't know the name but I know of the bay: Crescent beach." The father replied

Crescent Beach, a place located in California. Can't say it's a nice state to live in but if you're willing to stay over there, be my guest. Before the savior can leave, Justin asked for his name to remember by for avoiding such a fate no normal human can escape.

"Aiden Hill." Aiden left with a smile on his face, a soft, warm smile that marks a gentle boy who was kind enough to save them from a beast

In confusion of this turn of even, both stood up to take a look of what's left of it, and both their eyes have never seen something so outstanding yet terrifying simultaneously. Was once a great beast of being on top of the food chain came crumbling down to a familiar nature people see nowadays but with a twist to it: a hole the size of two average height men appears on the dragon's body, displaying the power behind Aiden's strength. But the question comes to mind of what actions did he perform to cause such a damage on a mythical creature born out of olden texts of medieval times?

"Dad.... I wanna go home today."

".... well said, son. Well said."

"Um... can you two take me there? I have no sense of direction at the moment."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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