Career day

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A/N Peter is 13 and is the biological son of Nat and Tony except he doesn't know about him. His last name is Romanoff. Peter calls Fury Gramps, because he's such a father towards Nat. Sorry, but it's gonna be mean avengers, except Clint. I really do love The Avengers, just decided to change it up a bit.

Peter's POV

It was Career day tomorrow and I had no idea who to bring. Sure I could bring mom, but she might have Shield stuff and working undercover in Stark industries. I could bring uncle Clint, but he might be busy with aunt Laura and the kids. I'll just ask mom when I get home. I start walk out of school with my best friend Ned, when a car pulled up in front of us. When the window rolled down, I was shocked. Mom was there, wearing her usual SI outfit, but she was there. Ned looks towards me and I look towards him.

"Hey Pete, sorry I was late" said my mom.

"Duude! Your mother the Black Widow is picking you up!"

"Like everyday"

"It still so cool" I smile at Ned because of his fanboyness (No I don't know if that's a word).

"See ya later Ned"

"Bye Pete" and I jump into the car with my mom.

"How was school today?" She asks

"It was okay" I tell her a little quiet.

"Is that Flash Kid still bothering you?" She says and I freeze.

"H-How d-did you f-find out?" I ask mentally kicking myself for stuttering.

"I know those bruises aren't from falling down the stairs or running into a wall"

"Yes he is still bothers me, but it's nothing I can't handle"

"If you say so. Anyways what's when we're you gonna tell me about Career day"

"When we got home"

"Good because, I wanna go"

"Is Gramps gonna let you?" I say sounding like a two year old.

"He might." I look at her and she looks at me, hope in my eyes. "I'll talk to him, if you'll help me. He's always had a soft spot for you"

"I know" I say. We arrive at our apartment and we walk in. I smile as I feel the familiar feeling of home. After my father walked out on us when my mom was one month pregnant with me. Even though, she was happy most of the time, I could still hear her cry sometimes late at night. She starts making supper and I go unload my homework in my room. I enter the kitchen again. And set the table for the both of us, then I help her in the kitchen. Once dinner was ready we sat down and ate.

"What job are you going to present tomorrow" I ask genuinely curious.


"Won't you get in trouble"

"Not if I only share the classified information. I can explain what I do, but not in the details"

"I guess so, but we still gotta ask Gramps"

"Why don't we do that after dinner"

"Okay" we continued to eat and talk. Then once I finished cleaning the dishes we decided to call Gramps, he picked up after two rings

"Yes Natasha" he said not really in his family voice, that was only reserved for me mad mom, sometimes Uncle Clint.

"I was just wondering if I could take the day off tomorrow"

"Why, you are on a case at the moment"

"Because tomorrow is career day at Peter's school."


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