Nat has a son!? Fury's a grandfather?!

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A/N So this is actually based off of a comment that I read by @hopestar522. I honestly really like the idea. The only thing that I changed was Steve also knows and Peter is 4. So here it is.

Tony's POV

The Avengers were called to Shield for a meeting. I honestly didn't care, but Pepper sad that if I didn't show up as would lock me out of my lab for the rest of the year. Pretty brutal I know. I never really went to meetings not wanting to see my ex-girlfriend Natasha. I only went when Nat wasn't gonna be there. We were together for 2 years before we broke up 4 years ago. I started having feelings for Pepper. I heard she started dating the good Captain. Now here I was walking into Shield, receiving multiple weird looks from agents. I ignored them as best I could and headed towards the meeting room. There was Nat sitting very close to Steve. She stared at me forgivingly. I was shocked at first. Then I recovered and sat back down as far away as I could. Everyone else was there. Some of them look nervous for me. I had told some of the team about me and Natasha.

"I see you decided to show up Stark" said Fury. "Same time as my daughter finally" that's right Natasha was the adopted daughter of Fury. So he didn't necessarily like me either. Welp I can't do anything about that.

"Yes sir" I said nervously.

"Then let's get to the meeting now shall we" said Steve or Captain America angrily. It was just a regular assignment that Fury was explaining. Hydra blablabla new base blablabla we need to get rid of it blablabla. Cap was gonna summarize it later anyways. Then things got interesting. The meeting door opened and walked in a four year old boy teary eyed. He ran towards Nat and Steve. She immediately became completely different. She picked up the kid and hugged him. It was weird.

Nat's POV

When Tony walked in I felt very uncomfortable. He had no idea that I was pregnant when he broke things off. I still didn't tell him that he had a kid. So when he sat down I went closer to Steve. I always did that when I was nervous or scared. My dad said something but I didn't hear.

"Then let's get to the meeting shall we" said Steve a little mad, I grabbed his hand and he seemed to calm down a bit. He hated Tony for what he did to me. What Tony didn't know or remember when he got drunk he would hit me or call me names. I never knew why I didn't leave Tony in the first place. So as my dad explained our next assignment. To be honest I wasn't really paying attention. My mind kept thinking of all the things he called me. Words I can't even repeat. When I heard the door open followed by a small brown hair kid. My eyes softened. It was Peter, he seemed upset. I pick him up and place him on my lap. Steve came closer as we tried to comfort our son.

"What happened Petey" I whispered.

"I had a nightmare" he said on the edge of tears.

"Wanna talk about it" whispered Steve.

"It was really scary. You, daddy, uncle Clint, aunt Laura, and gramps all died because of a zombie apocalypse." he said his lip quivering. I look towards Fury. He nodded and me and Steve left the room. Right before we left I heard my dad say.

"You are all excused except Stark and yes that's Nat's son." Wewere followed out by everyone else. They all left, and Steve took Peter home. I made my way to Fury's office. It's time to tell Tony the truth. When I walked in Tony was already there, I closed the door behind me and I was net with a feeling of fear. What if he gets mad and lashes out. I started getting really nervous. Relax Natasha, Steve is just one call away. I told myself. I walked towards Tony and once I was in front of him, he visibly froze.

"Tony I need to tell you something"

"Its about that kid isn't it" he said in a tone I didn't know. I started getting scared again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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