Part 1

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I walked into my first day of History class with high hopes. I was taking the second level of History and it was my last semester at the local community college. By this time next semester, I would be attending the local university to finish my four years in school. I honestly just couldn't wait to get this semester over with. I didn't really have any ties to this school and just wanted to be out in the real world already. Because it was a commuter school it was hard to make friends when most of the people who attended had jobs, kids, and a million other things on their plates. Plus, most of the kids here were just as eager to get out as soon as possible.

I sat in the front of the classroom and played on my phone until class was about to start. I was the type of student who got good grades, studied instead of partied, and passed up 'fun' opportunities to stay at home and read a good book. This was another reason it was hard for me to make friends. I liked interacting with people in class, but between school and work I had no time to hang outside of school and with this being my last semester, I had no intention of making any lasting friendships. One good thing that came out of my time here was meeting my current boyfriend Austin.

Austin was very attractive. He was a few inches taller than me and had a lean body. He played baseball at the local university that I was attending next semester, so that kept him in shape. His dirty blond hair was always kept short. Austin and I actually met the day of my orientation. He was so dreamy and charming I couldn't resist giving him a chance. Now he had transferred onto the local university where I would meet him next semester. I smiled a little thinking about him. I couldn't wait until we got to hang around campus together. I would get to tag along to his games and after parties. Not my cup of tea but being around Austin made even the worst days seem bright.

I was going over my work schedule in my head when the professor began to lecture. Since it was the first day of class, we only went over the syllabus and what the professor expected from us. I remember hearing that he was a tough grader but I knew I could easily get a B in his class without really trying. I raised my hand here and there to ask some questions and tried not to care that people would stare at me. People did not usually care to ask enough questions the first day of class. I could feel my cheeks heating up when it was my turn to speak, but I needed some clarifications.

Class ended fifteen minutes early.

As I gathered my things I felt someone standing next to my desk. I pretended not to notice and continued to zip my already closed bag. I was used to having guys coming up to me asking for my number 'in case they had any questions about class' when in reality they just wanted to hookup. Even when I let them know I was happily taken, they still had the nerve to text me with obvious intentions.

"Hi, I'm Lauren, Lo for short" Said the voice next to my desk.

I looked up and saw a girl standing there with a large bag hanging on her right shoulder. She was definitely overly friendly, especially since everyone else walked out without bothering to introduce themselves. She had dark brown hair, with caramel highlights, that reached the middle of her back. It was held back by a rolled up red bandana, which left her face free of any stray hairs. Light freckles covered the bridge of her nose. Her eyebrows were dark and thick which contrasted against her pale skin. Her big green eyes gave her an innocent look. Her smile lit her face.

She had on a white sweater that outlined her small figure. Her thin arms hung to her side. She had tight jeans that were stuffed into black winter boots. She looked delicate, something that I envied. My body was curvier and my tummy was no wear as flat as hers. My breasts were a slightly bigger and with that my envy disappeared.

"Hi" I responded in short. I was caught off guard by her approach. People here didn't just come up and talked to you unless you were the class nerd, had food, or were cute. I had an idea as to why she would want to introduce herself. I made it pretty obvious who would be the class nerd in this class.

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