Part 2

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"Read it" She instructed. I noticed she still held my hand. I wanted to pull away but couldn't bring myself to. This was just Lauren's way. Whenever she was super excited or happy she would find any reason to make contact. Which meant I had to start getting used to her way of expressing it.

I read through the text and found it mostly tedious, until it wasn't. Apparently Spartan soldiers would leave to train for months and years at a time and in their training camps they would take a younger Spartan under their wing. Not only that but they would, for lack of better words, take them on as lovers. I felt myself blush as I continued reading. I could see Lauren standing next to me, from the corner of my eye, trying to gauge my reaction. So, the Spartans would keep their mentees around and they would each take care of each other's needs while they were away from their wives. Then they would return home and go on about their business.

I felt my breath quicken a little. I knew what was happening. I read somewhere once, in a study that women were most likely to get turned on by straight, gay, and lesbian porn. I tested out this theory and it was pretty accurate. I knew my body was reacting to the image of these strong, dominating men, getting close and personal with other men. My breast felt heavier and I felt my nipples tightening up. I pressed my thighs together to stop the tingling. My hands started to get sweaty.

"Isn't that really interesting?" I heard Lauren ask. For a split second I forgot she was there with me. When I turned to look at her, she had a look on her face that I couldn't place.

I managed to nod. Her hand left mine and she went on to place it on my lower back. I felt an instant heat radiating from her touch. Again, I wanted to pull away but couldn't will my feet to move.

She stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear "I always believed sexuality was more of a spectrum. Some days you find guys more attractive, other days you can't stop admiring girls." She was getting into my bubble space, and where as before I would feel uncomfortable because I didn't particularly enjoy people touching me, I was uncomfortable for a completely different reason right now. Her breath in my ear seemed to be waking something inside of me that I had no idea existed. I felt the pressure of her breast against my arm becoming more pronounced. She wasn't wearing a bra. I had to fight my thoughts before they could get away from me.

"Sexuality is about being able to dabble," She continued to speak. "Why limit yourself to playing for one team when you do not know if playing with the other team is just as fun or even more so? It's all about finding the right balance for you."

I felt the blood rushing to my face again and stepped a little away from her. I brought my eyes to meet hers for the first time since she placed her hand on my lower back. Her eyes had the same mischievous glint that she had the first day of class, but also a bit of uncertainty in them. There was no doubt that she was also feeling a little of what I was. Her pink lips were slightly parted and her cheeks were a pretty rose color. Her breasts were moving up and down at a quick pace to match her breathing.

Was this her way of telling me she was bi?

My phone buzzed and I nearly jumped. It was a text from Austin . He wanted to know what I wanted to do this weekend. Before I replied, I looked up to see that Lauren had left.


I walked out of my last History class without a backwards glance. I really enjoyed the class but I also enjoyed leaving it in the past for good. My last final was complete and now I had the whole summer to relax. Well, relax as much as I could while still working.

An arm looped itself around my left arm and I already knew who it was.

"So glad this is done!" She dramatically leaned against my arm to emphasize how relieved she felt. We waved to some of our classmates as we walked out of the building. Usually the last classes of the semester were always the hardest for me because I made friends and wanted to believe we would keep in touch after, knowing full well it wasn't going to happen. This time, though, I had my friend hanging from my arm. Her invasion of my personal space was no longer as big of a deal as it used to be. I seemed to almost crave Lauren's invasion of my personal space. It made me feel special.

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