The Beggining

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"you're so disgusting" Niall spoke while Harry just laughed while putting his clothes back on.

"Oh shut it! If i don't do livestream so where will I get money? This is the only job i could do easily" Harry spoke then sat alone with Niall on Harry's bed. Harry had just finished doing a livestream, right when Harry wearing his pants then Niall came into the room without knocking or calling him.

"Whatever, get dressed ASAP! I'll take you to the newest restaurant in Doncaster, and the rating is five stars" Niall cheer happily and Harry just rolled his eyes, It's like the sixth time he said it but then if something happened they will also go to Nandos.

"It's like the sixth time you said it Ni"

"I don't care! People said that this restaurant is insanely good." Niall explained excitedly, he would insist on taking Harry to eat there.

"Fine" Harry mumbled quitely.

In the end they went there using Harry's car, before leaving of course Harry would disguise himself as an ordinary person. Usually he wears contact lenses, straightens his curly hair, and wearing clothes that cover all the tattoos on his body so no one will recognize him because of his tattoos.

"Jay restaurant?" Harry muttered reading the name of the restaurant.

"Maybe that's the owner's name?" After that Niall immediately pulled Harry into the restaurant, and damn this restaurant was very luxurious, big and elegant.

"This restaurant gives 1980s vintage and classic vibes, i fucking love it" Niall nodded his head in agreement with Harry's words.

"Good afternoon sir, have you booked a table yet?" A maidservant politely greeted and asked.

"Oh um no, we just got here" Harry answered with a soft smile.

"Oh? Pardon sir, but our restaurant has a rule to reserve the table first before eat here" The woman explained softly so she the customer wouldn't be mad at her.

"Really? Sorry we didn't know that-"

"What happened in here?" Another woman's voice came from behind the maid, that woman looked rich, elegant, and charismatic.

"Uh Mrs Jay, they didn't reserve the table before eat here" The maid explained politely, it was clear the maid was older than the other one.

"Wait, aren't you.. do you know Anne Cox by any chance?" She Askes while staring Harry in the eyes.

"Um.. uh yes of course i know, she's my mom" The woman gasped.

"Really? Wait i know you! I know her! Wait let me remember your name, wait shit uh.. It starts with H right? I know it i know it" Harry and Niall stared at each other, Harry didn't even know or remember this woman.

"Harry Cox right?" Harry cringed at the name, that name's awful.

"Harry styles ma'am" Harry confirmed with a smile showing a dimple in his cheek.

"Oh right! Come on in, I'll take you upstairs to the VIP table" Niall gasped, the woman walked gracefully and Harry and Niall followed her up the stairs.

The three of them sat down at the VVIP dining table, there weren't many people there. After they sat on their chair, they ordered food and drinks and chatted.

"Uh ma'am? May i ask how do you know my mom and me?" Harry asked.

"Right, let me introduce myself first. My name is Jay Tomlinson, i'm your mom's best friend since childhood" Jay explained and Harry gaped.

"Really? But i'm sorry i didn't remember you.."

"Oh no It's fine, the last time I met you was when you were 10 years old." Jay giggled.

"How did you realize it was me? I mean, I've grown up" Harry spoke with a light laugh.

"Of course silly, I know you have like a dot under your lip" 


"Oh.." Niall couldn't help but laugh, he laughed pretty hard and Jay laughed too, Harry just rolled his eyes.

"You're eyes turn blue? And you're hair is straight? What happened?" Jay ask you Harry and he just giggles.

"i usually use contact lens and straighten my hair"

"Oh i see, you still look pretty tho"


Harry closed his locker with a sigh, he hates math class.

"Sup fag" a bunch of random guy walked past Harry laughing at him, Harry wouldn't shut up about that, there's no way he let those freak called him fag.

"Fag? Really? I could wear heels bigger than your dick" Harry spoke while rolling his eyes, those freak need to stop bullying people.

The men stopped walking, one of them approached Harry in a haughty manner, oh please he couldn't possibly think he was that cool. He look like an idiot walking towards Harry acting like he's a boss bitch in a runway show, people is getting so weird.

"Okay this is awkward" Harry said quitely, He watched as the man walked towards him and stopped right in front of him, they were quite close.

"Say that again fag, i didn't quite hear you"

"Oh not only stupid and an idiot but you're also deaf too?" Harry spoke as he took a slow step closer to him, and the man backed away slowly.

"Back off fag" he spat.

"Why? You scared that i can make you fall in love?" Harry raise his eyebrows.

"You're such a fag!"

"Yeah and everyone's love me" Harry smiled innocently.

"C'mon!" He left and his friends followed him from behind.

Liam and Niall were walking alone and Liam accidentally bumped into the man's arm, Liam and Niall laugh and walk towards Harry.

"Hello curlyho-"

"Shut the fuck up Liam!" Harry interrupted Liam's conversation, jeez his friends became idiots too.

"Hey it's Friday, are you going to do a livestream?" Niall ask.

"Duh, I'm doing a live stream Thursdays and Fridays"

"By the way, have you heard about the new teacher?" Liam ask, Niall and Harry shook their heads.

"Goddamn, for real?" Liam ask.

"Yes bitch for real, so what? What about him?" Harry asked as his arms crossed over his chest.

"People said that he's so hot, handsome, cute, charismatic so yeah. But for me he's kinda overrated tho, i mean fuck yeah he's hot but people always so overrated" Liam explained while putting his hand on his waist.

"You probably said he's overrated cause you have Zayn aren't ya?" Niall tease him and Liam face got a little red.

"Ay yo shut your mouth!" Liam spat.

"Speak of the devil" Harry whispered while staring at something behind Liam.

Liam dan Niall turn around and they see Zayn standing right behind Liam with his smile.

"Jeez! Why are you standing like a creep" Liam ask.

"Just wanna say that I can't take you home, I have to go with my friend for a while"

"Oh okay, I'm going home with Michael then" Liam smile, Niall and Harry stare at each other and rolled his eyes.

"Don't you dare."

"Will you guys stop being this cute?" Niall spoke and they're just laugh. Yeah maybe now Ziam is the most famous couple, but just wait a little while, there's gonna be other couple.

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