Chapter 2: Collab

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I opened my eyes to see the blinding sun outside my window, and holy shit, I'm getting blinded from this. I really should buy curtains, I expected this house to come with curtains when I bought this online.

I looked at the clock to see 1 PM on the clock, was it that late already?

Aoi: Holy sh- 

I rushed out of bed and made myself some delicious eggs and ham because how much more American can you get, I should also buy myself a rice cooker, forgot about that.

Aoi: Let's look at my recommended, shall we?

Opening youtube to accompany my food, I saw a ton of clips about my match with Aqua yesterday.

Aoi: Holy shit my content's getting stolen before I even get a chance to upload my video, not that it particularly matters.

After finishing up my food I went to the shower to clean myself because I forgot to do it yesterday, and while I was showering I had forgotten my conditioner...

Aoi: How much stuff did I forget holy

After I showered I went to my computer and pinged Aqua on discord just in case she forgot or all of a sudden canceled it.

Aoi: [Aqua?]

It doesn't seem like she'll answer that fast-

Aqua: [Yes?]

Ok then, I guess I was proven wrong.

Aoi: [Are you still up for the collab at 3?]

Aqua: [Yes!]

Aoi: [Ok, because I was scared you would just cancel it]

Aqua: [I would never!]

Aoi: [Ok, so I'll call you at 2:30 just in case]

Aqua: [Ok!]

Aqua POV

Looking at the time, it was 2:00 PM, 30 minutes before I collab with my idol.

Aqua: I'm so excited, I love her!

While watching Aoi clips from yesterday, I suddenly got a ping, causing me to pull up discord again, and when I looked at who pinged her, I saw a notification from my fellow Gen mate, Nakiri Ayame.

Ayame: [Aqua, I heard you'll be playing with Aoi today!]

Aqua: [Yeah, I'll be playing Apex with her at 3]

Ayame: [We are best friends right?]

Aqua: [Uh, sure?]

Ayame: [Can I join you guys pleaseeeeee?]

Aqua: [Why?]

Ayame: [I'm Aoi's biggest fan!]

Aqua: [Wait I'm her biggest fan!]

Ayame: [I refute that but can I still play with you guys?]

Aqua: [I don't know yet, but ill ask.]

Ayame: [Thanks so much, best friend!]

Aqua: [Yeah Yeah]

Aqua went to her conversation with Aoi and started typing.

Aqua: [Hey Aoi?]

Aoi: [What's up?]

Aqua: [Is it ok if I invite a friend to play Apex with us?]

Aoi: [Sure more the merrier!]

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