< Chapter 15 >

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"How-what?" One of them said..

'what just happened to me?" I thought while looking down.

Then i quickly go to Jafar,

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Oh no im very sorry!" I said loudly but still nervous,

He just looked at me, like im a prize waiting to be claim,

"It's Okay, you didn't hurt me at all, just feel a bit hurt of that slammed "

He try to get but couldn't, Then Y/N helps with,

"There we go, so ,much better?"
"A bit cause your here "

He said before hugging me tightly,

I broke the hug then smiled at him,

Then I looked back at Maleficent, I run to her

Jafar didn't like it,


Y/N Helps Mal to get up,

"Im Sorry for slamming you in the floor, I didn't know what happened to me. " y/n said to her.

"Don't apologize dear, im should be one who have to apologize to you,"

"Im sorry for hitting you , It supposed to hit Jafar but not you"

"It's fine" she smiled as Mal smiled back

"Ahh" y/n groans in pain as her stomach hurts so bad.

She girb into Mal wrist..

"My dear are you okay?" Maleficent Said,

"Put her to sit" Gothel Said, As Maleficent places down Y/n in the Couch.

"Ahh" she moans in pain, Clutching her stomach, she laid down still clutching her stomach..

- Few minutes later -

As Y/N Started to let go of her stomach as it started to cool down,

" That was.... Painful.." y/n said , fixing her position as the Villians stare at her...

"What?"she said as Everyone snap out of it.
"So.. dear, mind telling us, how did you get your powers?" Mal Ask

"Uhh... I don't really know, when I woke up and heard fighting, and saw you guys fighting"

Referring to Maleficent and Jafar fight

As she started to explain as everyone, listen to her,

" *Sigh* im sorry, I don't actually know what just happened " she said while petting, shere Khan on left side..

"No need to apologize my queen " Jafar Said, kissing her hand,

'wow...a another nickname? First it was Ms. Y/n then it turn to princess, then now.. queen?" Y/N Thought to herself.

As Y/N Blush a Little.

As everyone Started to glare except Shere Khan Who's Loving To be pet by her.

Y/N Noticed It Giggles..

Dr. Facilier Cake's cough..
"Well Now,you should eat , then go to rest "
He said..

Scar Noticed's Shere Khan Being pet.. he glares , jealous, wanting y/n to pet him .

Y/n noticed it and giggles.. "Scar" He quickly lift his head " yes?" " Do you want to be petted?" "N-No!" Scar said shuttering a bit

She giggled as Jafar watches her interact with the two animals.. as everyone keep taking..

Y/N Looked at Jafar and whispers..
" What can I eat? Im starving" "hm-"
As Her Stomach Rumbles signaling she's hungry.

Everyone Hears it and Hook shouted "SMEE! GO COOK Y/N IS HUNGRY!" Y/N Stands Up.. As she giggles, walking to the kitchen.

"Hey, Mr Smee , whatcha Cooking "
" Oh hehe it's Your Favorite!"

Her eyes widens. " Ooooh! Im glad!I haven't eat that in a long time, since I always go to restaurants,"

"Go Upstairs, I'll bring someone to take it "
"You Sure? I mean i know it's takes a 7 minutes to get ready , and besides it just 7 minutes no biggie"

" Go Upstairs so you can relaxed a bit "
" *Sighs* fine, just knocked on the door" she said walking to the stairs
As Mr Smee smiled...

"Scar!Shere Khan! Come With me, I wanna Pet you guys!" She shouted as she goes upstair,

She opens her room leaving it open.she waited for the two to come..
As She See's them ,As she close the door

As Shere Khan, scar lays down on the floor
While Y/n Picked up her phone and choose some songs to play...

Then she played one music..

She puts it on a low volume, she looked at the two, walking to her bed as she hums the song..

"guys Come here! Laid down on my bed "
Shere Khan climbs to her bed, "I Hate being petted! Im A King I Don't To pets!" He Said looking in another way..

"Well, Suite Yourself" as y/n petted shere Khan as he purrs... "Your Good a Petting"
He Purrs more as y/n continue to pet him

As for scar,he slowly looks back at y/n and the Khan , feeling jealous "hmph!"

" Need to find Bruno just make things right unless we wanna fall by candle light~" She sang..

Scar climbed up and put his head into her lap..

"Oh.." she giggles"I thought you hate being petted?" She laughed

"Just Pet me woman" scar said trying buried his head into y/n laps she Chuckled, as y/n started to pet him too

+ Few Minutes +

Scar was purring and so does shere Khan as they loved being petted by y/n .

While she was singing to the song

"Feeling like im always just barely there , only a shadow and it's never fair " she sang to Bruno's part perfectly

" You haved a good voice at singing " scar said still purring.. "thank you"

she smiled she looks at shere Khan seeing he was already asleep in y/n pillows .

'cute' she thought, as the song stop meaning it's done..

Y/N Grabs her phone and close Spotify and looks at the calendar..

"Oh...it's almost end of the month... Well going back to school!" She Groans "Now I Have to wake up early again!"

"You know you can ask maleficent to make the school cancelled again for a month"
Scar said

" I won't," "you need to because,your still gonna find out what your powers it and to control it..." He said..

" *Sigh* can you say it to her?" "Fine.....just Pet me!" He said angrily because y/n stop petting him.

"Okay, okay " she laughed, petting him again
While waiting for the food to come ..
He purrs...

+ Weeeee- chapter 15 is done this Is a long one"

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