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Centuries ago there was a king. It's the story of a king and his cursed daughter, the daughter who had a terrifying journey in her life. Kings are meant to be very kind and humble towards people, but this king was an ambitious, unfair, and heartless man who was never good to his own family. He used to get overly raged at every single thing against him, and he would act immediately and kill those who would dare to go against him. Unlike all other kings, his extent of ambition was at an unimaginable level; killing people was like plucking an apple off a tree. He was married but did not have children for years. After a few years of yearning to have a child, his wife became pregnant. Knowing about his wife's pregnancy, the king was over the moon. That was the only day he seemed genuinely happy. He arranged a grand feast, and all of his neighbouring kings were invited to the feast. However, this deplorable king did not do any kind of charity. Months passed, and finally, his wife was about to give birth to a child. However, an emergency showed up when another king from his neighbouring kingdom waged a war against him, and the king had to go to the battlefield even though he was about to be overwhelmed with the pleasure of being a father. The queen was astounded about the child that was about to be born because the king never fancied having a female child; he was desperately yearning to have a male child who would continue his legacy. He had been telling his wife for years that he would shower his love and kindness only if he got a male child. While heading to the war, before hitting the road, he warned his wife to have a male child. How could a woman decide about giving birth to a particular child? The queen whispered deliberately, The king had lost his senses in the urge to have what he desired to have. The King, with a terrifying look, said to his wife that he would kill the child if it was female. The Queen kept her gaze down. She wouldn't dare look into his eyes at the moment. She trembled and her heart hammered inside her chest. Her eyes got wet with the tears of pain. The King always hated having a daughter, as he would have to marry her off to some other prince and would never get anything out of it. He had a great hunger for expanding his kingdom to the ends of the world, which was possible only by having a son. "I will be back victorious, said the king in a lethal tone to the queen, and he headed to the war field with his army. The queen kept thinking about what would happen. The king had his massive army attached to his enemy; his army was smaller comparatively, but his army was more skilled in a sword fight. He won the war without getting any heavy damage, and at the same time, his wife gave birth to their child. The queen took her child in her arms gently, and she was sinking in the gloom to know if the child was male or female, as she would lose her child if things didn't go according to the king's ambition. Then a maid told her with agitation in her eyes that unfortunately, the child was female. After listening to the maid, her heart broke and she cried in misery. Her eyes blacked out, and she passed out on the bed. The queen's condition was desperate. After a while, she woke up and took her daughter in her arms, adored her, and mumbled sadly "How badly your fortune has played with you, Apple of my eyes, I wish he would kill me instead of you", The old maid standing near her listened to her muttering and asked if everything was alright with her. The queen looked at the old maid and said, "How on earth would I be fine while my heart is going to be burned in the fire of someone's rage?" The old maid said "My queen, can I help you out of this crisis?", since she wasn't aware of why the queen was crying. The queen thought a lot about the situation, and eventually, she made her mind up to give her child to the old maid. She looked at the old maid and said, "I need to talk about a serious matter." The maid said, "Yes, my lady, I am all ears." The queen explained to her what the king would do to her after getting back to the palace. The queen asked the maid if she could take her daughter away from the palace and take care of her. They said, "Yes, my lady, I will take your daughter with me, but you have to give me the money every month to take good care of this child; since I am a poor maid, I don't have enough wage to take care of your daughter". The queen said that she would give her an ample amount of wages, and she gave her some jewels and asked her to take her away at once. The queen said, "Never let anyone know about me having a daughter; this might get my daughter into big trouble. The queen told her not to get into anyone's eye and to flee from the palace soon. That was an unbearable night of the queen's life. She had thought of having a dazzling life with her child, but alas, she couldn't get it. She pulled herself together after being in pain. The King returned victoriously. He headed back to the palace. He came to his wife's room and saw her keeping her head down. The King said with great pride "You should never keep your head down being the wife of a victorious king", The queen looked at him. She trembled and seemed broken. The King asked, "Why are you miserable?" The queen said "We have lost our child; it was a girl, so I killed her and consigned her to the grave even before you came here", The King yelled with rage on his face; he hit knuckles on the fence, and one of his servants came in without knowing what had happened. The king was already enraged when he saw a servant coming in; he stabbed him in the chest and left the room. All his longings went down in flames. He couldn't get what he had been desperately yearning for. The old woman took the girl to her hut, and she looked after the child from then on; she named her "Sara", and she would get expenses from the queen every month to take care of that child. After a few years passed, the Queen gave birth to a boy. The king, who had not been looking at the queen, was happy to hear that he had got a boy who could finally come up to his expectations. He came to the queen and comforted her since she had made him happy. After 18 years had passed, Sara turned 18. Sara had become young, and she was splendid in her looks. Sara never knew anything about her past; she had considered herself to be the daughter of a poor maid. The old maid was not in a condition to work further, and they had stopped getting expenses from the queen. Sara thought of working as a maid for the queen. With that intention, she headed to the palace. She reached the palace and was allowed to get in. She stood in front of the king with her gaze facing down and asked for some help by giving her work. The King asked her to lift her head when she looked up. The king looked at her and got bewitched by her gorgeous look, He was amazed to see such beauty in existence. She looked like an angel from paradise; her eyes had a captivating shine; her long hair with a golden color looked intriguing; she had worn old and little torn garments; she was looking like a pearl draped in old clothing; however, that deluded unfortunate never knew he was her father. The King asked, "What is your name, Beauty?" She said, "My lord, I am Sara." The king said, So you are looking for work since you look to be broke?" She said, "Yes, my lord". The king asked, "What would you like to do here". She said, "My lord, I would like to be a maid here; I have no skills to do any work other than being a maid". The king said, "What if I make you the queen of this palace". Sara got perplexed and said, "My lord, you mean, what? You mean, you want... how is that even possible?". The King said, "I am going to amaze you now; I would like to marry you; of course, I don't need your consent". Sara was breathing heavily, her hands were trembling, she was terrified, and she said with a low voice, "King.WA WA WA..why? I can't marry you; you are of my father's age, who is no more". The King said with a loud voice," I don't want to hear your reasons, and I don't need anyone's consent to do what I feel like doing". The King was outraged; he kept asking her to marry, and she kept denying it. He eventually kept her captive for denying him. She was weeping in fear, and she said to herself, "What an unfortunate girl are you, Sara? I shouldn't have come here to be a maid in this palace, which is being ruled by a lusty king ". The queen knew her daughter, The queen saw the soldiers taking her daughter and ran to them, telling them to leave her. The King said that she had refused his proposal and had to be imprisoned. The queen stopped breathing for a moment; her heart trembled like a wet bird in the cold night. She got numb and fainted at hearing a father ask his daughter out for marriage. The King held the queen in his arms, led her down, and poured a few drops of water on her face. She came back to her senses. She asked the king, "Do you know the one you're asking for marriage?". He said," I know nothing about her other than her name". The queen said, "You are about to sin; she is our daughter; I lied to you that she had been dead; how could I even hurt my blood, let alone kill her". Knowing what had happened, the king was outraged since he never liked having a daughter; on the other hand, his order wasn't listened to. The King ordered his men to put her into the dungeon and said I will write this girl's fortune tomorrow". The queen said, "O my lord, get off your high horses; you have been such a disgraceful king; you've killed innocents, harassed many women, and humiliated them for not listening to your order; you are a slave of your desires; your desires have taken over you; hasn't the ember of your lusty desires been extinguished; how long will it be burning; it's been setting others on fire; please blow it up and let my daughter go; what has done to you? Was being born as a girl her intention to disobey you? Did she know she was not supposed to be born? I beg you, please let life". The King replied "I have always respected you, but that doesn't mean you talk back to me and tell me what to do; don't ever try going beyond your limits. I had told you that my child would be a boy, or else that child would no longer be alive. As far as your daughter is concerned, she has to die", and he left her. The queen passed out and fell to the floor. A day passed. Sara was taken to the king's court, and the king ordered his son to take her far into the woods with his men, tie her up in the middle of the woods where ferocious animals lived, and let her be prey to those animals. The queen cried her eyes out, and everyone in the palace felt pity for the queen and her daughter. People around him were not happy with the king's doing such an unfair act. As per the king's order, Sara was taken to the woods by her younger brother. They reached the forest and took her to the middle of the woods. Sara said, "Brother, I am your sister; we share the same blood; will you do this to me?". Her brother looked into her eyes, hugged her, and said "Sister, I am so happy to have had a sister that I had never known about. I am grateful and I am outraged towards your father, but I couldn't go against him to save you. I am sorry". Sara said, "I am so happy to have known that I have a brother and met you". Then her brother said, "I will have to leave you here; no one can ever hurt you; please go away, out of our father's sight, so that you will be fine". Her brother left her in the woods. Here the question arises: What happened to Sara after she was left alone in the forest? Was she caught by some animals?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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