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"I told you this was a bad idea." I spoke as a paramedic cured Stiles' arm.

"I know, I know." Stiles muttered.

"And for that..." I spoke and they sighed.

"We should always listen to you because you're always right." They spoke and I nodded smiling.

"What in the hell were you three thinking?" Sheriff Stilinski arrived.

"We were just trying to help." Scott replied.

"Why don't you try and help me understand what the hell happened here?" He asked.

"Right, well, we we're trying to gently persuade  him to pull over." Stiles replied.


I raised my eyebrows. Gently meant: "Have Scott attack him and spin the vehicle out of control while I use my telekinesis to avoid a catastrophic crash."

"He was getting away." Scott smiled innocently.

"He got away." The Sheriff spoke.

He walked to the back of the car and we followed him.

"Right. Because obviously he's some sort of criminal mastermind, Dad." Stiles spoke.

"Uh-huh. You want to guess what the stolen merchandise is?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

He opened the trunk and we saw some tanks.


"Critical life-saving medical equipment?" Stiles asked.


"Poison gas?" He asked.



"Lots of drugs?" I asked.

"No and no. Helium."


We looked at each other.


"This could be a good thing." Scott spoke while driving the Jeep.

"That we saved helium?" Stiles asked and Scott chuckled.

"I mean, that...they don't need us anymore."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

"No, of course they need us. We've been protecting Beacon Hills all this time." I spoke.

"We're all going off to college soon. So Beacon Hills is gonna have to survive without us."

"Beacon Hills will burn to the ground without us." Stiles spoke.

"Guys...they don't need us." Scott insisted and we sighed.

Stiles' phone vibrated and he looked at it. He showed us the screen excited. It was his dad.

"They need us!" We yelled at the same time and high-fived making Scott laugh.


"Alex, you know we're having trouble locating your parents. And since you can't remember remember anything, we have a method, an unusual method that might help you remember. But I need you to be okay with it, I also need you to know that it's probably gonna hurt." Sheriff Stilisnki explained to the boy.

"I don't care. I just want to find my mom and dad." The boy replied.

Sheriff Stilinski looked at us. We walked in and he closed the windows.

TEEN WOLF (S6A) (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now