Chapter 26

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Chapter 27

Baby Shower ( 7 1/2 months pregnant)

Carson POV

"The decorations look amazing!" I exclaimed admiring the now transformed hall into a princess wonderland.

"Thank you we worked hard trying to make everything perfect!"  Danyelle said smiling at Jewel.

"Yeah we did! By the way the cake should be here in about 10 minutes and, guest shall be starting to arrive in about an hour."

"Ok this sounds great!"  Has anyone seen Gabe around all of this chaos?"  I questioned rubbing my huge stomach you would think I was carrying triplets!

"Umm I believe he was last seen in the kitchen helping the cooks bring out pans of food for the buffet tables."  Danyelle responsed fixing the flowers on a nearby table.  I thanked her as I waited for Gabe to emerge from the kitchen.

"Hey babe.'  Gabe said as he sat the food on the tables.

"How many people are suppose to be coming?"  I stared down at the larger amounts of food because I only had so many friends and family.

"About 80 people." He said kissing my neck.

"Omg that alot considering I only have about  20 friends including Jewel!" I closed my eyes enjoying Gabe kissing me.

"I know but my friends and family are like 45 people coming!" He chuckled his lips still on my neck making me giggle.

"Ok so what about the other 15 people?"  I asked suspiously.

"Danyelle and Jewel invitied some people."

"We are going to have so much baby stuff!"  I said thinking about where everything is going to go.

"If it make you feel any better my family and friends will probably just give you gift cards and money well expect for my parents."  He said giving me a cute boyish smile that makes my heart flutter.

"That's good because a baby isn't cheap I'm glad you parents decided to pay the rent for our first 5 months."  I smiled thankful his parents are so supportive of us.

"I know I can't believe were going to be raising a child."

An Hour later...

Only about 65 people showed up but, that was more than enough I looked around as I sat at my table and, ate my plate of food. Which is really delicious by the way!  As I finished the little bit of food on my plate I felt I light tap on shoulder.  Probably some wishing me good luck with my baby or something enocouraging I turned around to greet the person with a smile.

"Mom?" I looked at the woman in front of me.  All of my emotions ran wild in my head making it hard for me to process anything.

"Alexiah can we talk for a moment?"  I looked over at Gabe to see what his reaction would be but he just nodded for me to go ahead.  I sat my plate down and, followed her out the halls exit doors.

"Wow you look like your ready to pop!"

"I know it looks like I could have my baby girl anytime now!"  I chuckled rubbing my arm nervously.

"Lexiah I don't now how to express to you how sorry I am.  I should have been there when you were hurting or happy.  I feel liked I have failed you as mother I was so wrapped up with what happened with your father and I.  I lost site of my responsibilites to love, comfort, and protect you and your brother. I know I'm goin got be asking for alot but, I would love to be back in your life before I die."

"Die??" I asked in a confused voice.

"I have Cancer the doctor told I may have a year to live." She looked down at the marble tiled floor.

"You can't die mom! I love you please!!!" I sobbed hysterically as my mom hugged me trying to calm me down.

"Honey their isn't anything I can do about it but, one thing I will do is fight and try to beat this!"

"But didn't the doctor say you only have a year to live?"  I asked sniffing.

"Yes but, he also said theirs a possibilitie that I could beat this but, it will be very tough."

"I know you can do it mom were Mendoza's!"  I laughed a little embracing my mother in a hug again.  I miss this I love her so much and, I'm glad she wants to be apart of my life again.  After a few more minutes of catching up we  entered the hall hand and hand smiling at everyone.

"I'm going to grab some food I'll be back."  my mom said while walking off in to the buffet line.

"So what happened?" Gabe asked.

"Well my mother has cancer." I said sadly as he hugged me.

"I'm sorry to hear that." he said still hugging me despite my huge buldging stomach.

"I know but, she is a fighter she'll make it through."  I smiled sadly.

After an hour and a half of socializing and baby shower games it was time to open up the gifts.  Gabe was right his family and friends mostly gave gift cards and money now it was time to open up his parents gifts. As I opened the envelop expecting  money or gift card but, just a slip of paper.  I looked up as Mr. and Mrs. Zelder smiled at me waiting for me to open up the paper. It had a picture of the most beautiful crib I've ever seen and said it would be delievered to the house tommorow.  I jumped up from my seat to embrace his parents into a huge hug!

"Thank you so much it's beautiful for baby Gabriela!"  I said as I sat back in my seat.

"Your welcome our granddaugther is a princess already!" Mrs. Zelder smiled as everyone laughed cheerfully.

"Ok I think thats all the gifts!" I said we had gotten more than enough from packs of diapers, baby clothes, toys, and other things.

"Wait."  My mom said hold up yet another envelop smiling handing it over to me.

"Thanks mom." I said opening up my last gift.  It's a college fund for my unborn baby!!

"Mom wow this is more than enough Gabe and I were just talking about a college fund for Gabriela!"

"It's the least I could do for my only grandchild!"  She smiled giving me a tight hug while everyone clapped and congrulated me.

I have to say things are looking bright for my future...

Ok I hoped you liked this chapter vote comment fan pretty please but only if you want to :)





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